How much longer must I wait ?! This is killin me!


Well-Known Member
Day 66 from seed? Or day 66 since she started showing sex?

It's looking close to me...but have you started flushing yet? I ask as the plant is sucking up the nutrients/energy from your fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
It's generally 60 days of flowering for indica strains. I count flowering as 3-4 days after I can tell sex of the plant. That's earlier than some people call the start.

So let's say your plant started flowering after 30 days of growth. That would put you at 36 days of flowering or roughly 3 weeks short of finish.
You plants are not getting enough nutrients is my guess as she is eating herself. Normally I'd expect that after a few days of flushing.

You want to flush for a good week, week n a half before harvesting.

Illegal Smile

Are you checking the trichs under high magnification?
just looking at the pics and nothing else ide say at least another 10 days n see how u are then!!!!

make sure u give at least 10days flush, so if u aint flushed yet, start now and by time u finnish flush u should be ready to chop!!!!!!!! good luck and enjoy ur smoke.


Well-Known Member
hey all... I'm on day 66 of my BFL grow. How much longer must I wait? I'm dying to harvest her. Your thoughts?

Bro, if you want your hard work of growing and taking care of your plant(S) to pay off in the end.. You gotta be patient. Patience is the
key to a successful grow sometimes.

People tend to get so caught up into their grow(S) that they forget about being patient.

Get a magnifying glass... I forgot what X you need.. I think most ppl i know use a 30X magnifier. Use that to look at your trichs.

I'm not giving it all to ya.. you do the rest. I would suggest asking around. :):peace::joint:


2 more weeks or so man hang in there. cfls mature buds slower then hid


Active Member
I know... I need to break the magnafier out again and take a look... the samples I've taken the trichomes are cloudy white, with just a few tinges of amber.


Well-Known Member
You know it's still pretty hairy. The hairs will retract into the bud when closer to finished.

I chopped some bagseed when i had mostly cloudy with a few was too early and I ended up with an ounce and 1/2 of inferior bud. I still have 1/2 of it...and now realize that waiting even 2 more weeks would've made a big difference.


Active Member
Here are some pics at Day 68. This includes a full setup pic.. I added 1 more 2700 bulb to assist in even ripening.

Strictly speaking, this would be harvest day if I was perfectly timed to the "Buds For Less" book I've been using.



damn man thats some set up i thought about addin lights at the bottom of my box too but have no room, your buds look nice too i thought i was almost done but seeing yours makes me wana wait longer. but from everything ive read once them 'crystals' turn that milky color its time to chop.