c02 in water?

General Kush

Active Member
hey i was talking to my uncle about growing weed and he told me the water that i feed my plants should have c02 in them because it helps...i was wondering if i buy a regular paintball c02 can and somehow get it into the water do i just use this c02 water to water my plants or what?

General Kush

Active Member
yah i was just looking at that tutorial but thats from releasing gases around your plants and since my plants are outside i was just wondering if there was anyway u could put c02 in water and then feeding the water to the plants roots instead of regular water it would be like c02 water but my questions are would this work, and how can i get c02 in water?


Well-Known Member
yah i was just looking at that tutorial but thats from releasing gases around your plants and since my plants are outside i was just wondering if there was anyway u could put c02 in water and then feeding the water to the plants roots instead of regular water it would be like c02 water but my questions are would this work, and how can i get c02 in water?
Roots do not take in co2, they need oxygen. Use one cap of Hydrogen peroxcide per gallon and that will help add more oxygen to roots.


Roots do not take in co2, they need oxygen. Use one cap of Hydrogen peroxcide per gallon and that will help add more oxygen to roots.

finally agree with you on something ganja. lol excellent advice

General Kush

Active Member
kay thanks for the advice, still 1 question though, if im outside and i use the bottle c02 method thing with a hose pointing towards my plants will this work or does it only work inside?


hahahahahahahaha@ ganja plus rep just for the hell of it


Well-Known Member
kay thanks for the advice, still 1 question though, if im outside and i use the bottle c02 method thing with a hose pointing towards my plants will this work or does it only work inside?
There is no need for it outside, outside has MUCHO co2 in air. That and the plants are really not getting any benifit from the co2 you are creating. Yeah it's an inside job.


Well-Known Member
no co2 outside. It's for a closed environment. It's like spraying cologne in the air in front of your house... so your neighborhood can smell nice.

maybe your uncle was thinking about underwater plants, like in fish tanks. Those need co2 in water because their 'green' part is in the water, the part that breathes co2. Roots beath oxygen. Green stuff (leaves) breath co2. And with our pot plants the idea is to have the green stuff not underwater.