homemade co2


Well-Known Member
Most people using ghetto co2 don't have a ppm meter for it I've noticed... I've looked around for a post of how high the ppm of a 2L sugar/yeast bottle can give in a closet or small room or something, and can't really find anything.


Well-Known Member
Since the heat hit, I've had an air conditioner running with no exhaust. I have a 2L bottle in there and the plants are growing great, but I'm pretty sure it's not keeping the PPMs higher than they would normally be.

Someone testing with a PPM meter would be the way to go. Going by guesses such as, "Ya, I use it and my plants are doing awesome" just doesn't cut it. There's no way to know it's the co2 actually affecting them without knowing there is higher than normal co2 levels in the area with a meter.