Are organics worth more


Well-Known Member
Are organics worth more than chemically grown marijuana if one sold it.

PEACE OUT:peace:
High quality, seedless bud sells for the same whether its hydro or organic soil. Some say Chemically grown hydro sells for higher but usually buyers cant tell how it was grown anyway. Organic growing definitely costs much less than hydro.


Well-Known Member
around here you can get people to pay more for organic and i think at legit clubs they sell for more but i just heard that from my buddy in cali so not sure about it


Active Member
You need to wait a couple years and rethink shit... you're 14 and live in los angeles... just sayin


Well-Known Member
if u caregive for med clubs u can get more for organic high grade but on the street the average person doesnt care damn bout organics,,,,,but its still the best way to go


Well-Known Member
You been asking stupid ass questions for the last 24hrs.............................................There aint no way you have a son 14,,,,unless your like the kid that rode the blue bus in school, did not get fixed and had kids,,,,,,.................................Dumbass.................................................................................................84 stupid posts in how long????


Active Member
You been asking stupid ass questions for the last 24hrs.............................................There aint no way you have a son 14,,,,unless your like the kid that rode the blue bus in school, did not get fixed and had kids,,,,,,.................................Dumbass.................................................................................................84 stupid posts in how long????

you don't even know me and I have a lot of questions that need answers oh and PISS OFF