Hi, im very new to growing and this is my first grow so im sorry if these questions sound dumb, this will be my first post. My plants are about 2 months old and are grown outdoors on my balcony. They are in two seperate pots about 5 gallons each. They seem to being doing quite well, no discoloration, not crispy, no bug problems, and optimal sun. They seem pretty healthy to me, but thats up for debate im sure. My main concern is that they just do not seem bushy like some of the pics posted. I have one main stalk both a little over a foot and a half tall and lots of leaves coming off of the main stalk but thats all. It seems to be growin tall not wide. Ive looked up a few things on training your plant, but im stil sitting here confused. Is it to late to train my plant? Could it be a nutrient deficiency? I know my best bet is to simply upload some pictures, and I plan on doing so if I get some replies. Please, any help from my fellow tokers would be greatly appreciated.