light bills!?


Active Member
You can expect it to - more then - double again in the next few years, thanks to the US Congress:

The Obama budget proposes the largest excise tax in history—in disguise—the cap-and-trade energy tax. Speaking to The San Francisco Chronicle last year, Obama said: “Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket… they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.”
An analysis commissioned by the American Council on Capital Formation and the National Association of Manufacturers projected the economic impact of last year’s bill by 2030: 3 to 4 million fewer jobs, $4,022 to $6,752 in lower annual disposable income per household, an annual hit to GDP of between $631 billion and $669 billion, and much higher energy prices — 60 percent to 144 percent higher for gasoline and 77 percent to 129 percent higher for electricity."

$17 a months sounds cheap now huh?

if any luck i wont be under this dumbass government that cant figure out what the hell to do with its economy hopefully ill be farther north hehe hopefully

but with all that crap obama's plans wont be in effect your talking 5 presidential elections down the line. I think the stuff in the media about what happens that far away is quite a bit far fetched. the economy wont get that bad... its called self correction it happens, took micro economics in my first semester of college and the professor taught us all about that it just doesn't happen. people cant work and then come home and not beable to pay bills. it doesn't work that way i promise. seems like it at times but i promise you after taking the class it just doesn't.


Active Member
I work for a company that outsources customer service needs for utility companies.

You cant really compare this months bill to last months bill to get an accurate idea of your use, it has to be year to date. weather is the biggest impact because of ac and heat, and your little lights do nothing. \

if your curious how much power your grow is costing you, its really quite simple if you know where your meter is.
first turn the breakers off to everything in the house, give the meter 10-15 minutes to stop turning, and read your meter.
turn on the breaker only to the outlets for the room with your growbox, and make sure nothing else is plugged in, turn on your grow box systems, and wait about an hour.
read your meter again.

subtract the difference from your previous reading, if your meter has a multiplier (usually 1 or 10 for residential service) multiply the difference with that number. this product will be the number of kwhs to run your box per hour.


Active Member
My 600 watter put me in tier 5 ($0.31 per kwh) :( but I also have alot of electronics running. Flatscreen tv around 220 watts, gaming pc around 550 watts, replaced all my hosue lighting with cfls and sue a shop fluro to light my room so that cut the bill down a little. Also set your dark period according to your other usage. I now only turn on my gaming pc during ym dark period and that dropped me down to tier 4. I recommend a kilowatt meter from ace hardware I found out an old tv and surround sound that I never use were pulling almost 100 watts while off. Everythnig pulls alot of electricity when it's off so unplug it when you don't use it. I unplug my lcd tv when not in use ebcause it pulls around 100 watts when off. Energy star certified doesn't mean shit.


Active Member
I work for a company that outsources customer service needs for utility companies.

You cant really compare this months bill to last months bill to get an accurate idea of your use, it has to be year to date. weather is the biggest impact because of ac and heat, and your little lights do nothing. \

if your curious how much power your grow is costing you, its really quite simple if you know where your meter is.
first turn the breakers off to everything in the house, give the meter 10-15 minutes to stop turning, and read your meter.
turn on the breaker only to the outlets for the room with your growbox, and make sure nothing else is plugged in, turn on your grow box systems, and wait about an hour.
read your meter again.

subtract the difference from your previous reading, if your meter has a multiplier (usually 1 or 10 for residential service) multiply the difference with that number. this product will be the number of kwhs to run your box per hour.
kilowatt meter from ace hardware or home depot is easier. Cost me $35 and shows usage in watts and amps.