

I started using bone meal because my older bottom leaves been turnin yellowish was wondering if this would fix the problem, a lack of nutrients?


I started using bone meal because my older bottom leaves been turnin yellowish was wondering if this would fix the problem, a lack of nutrients?
How old are your plants, are they vegging or flowering? All of this makes a difference in the condition and color of your leaves.
you need nitrogen.bone meal is high phosphorus,but youll need that for floering. you need blood meal or mexican bat guano wich is high in nitrogen.foliar feeding will get the nitrogen to the leaves fastest.of coarse, if your on week 6 of flowering a indica, i wouldnt worry about it as much.your deff going to need to start feeding though.give us a rundown with lights,soil,strain,everything so that we can better help you.


Shes 2 weeks into flowering
shes in a 1 gallon pot I started out with 20-20-20 soil now its just fertilized soil I had laying around. All plants are outside and doing well, its been a few days since i first fed bone meal seems to be improving.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
It's normal for lower fan leaves to die off. No worries bud. As for nutes, for a reference I use Local Harvest 2-6-6 NPK. Look for something higher in phosphorus and potassium, and lower in nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
I started using bone meal because my older bottom leaves been turnin yellowish was wondering if this would fix the problem, a lack of nutrients?
Growerwils..... Before assuming your plant needs Nitrogen, check the soil pH. Chances are the application of bone meal, may have been a bit much, which caused a big shift upwards in pH. Bone meal, even the kind with N in it, tends to be fairly alkaline (high in pH).
If your soil pH is 7.2 or over, Nitrogen in the rootzone is being locked out. The only way to free it up is to lower the soil pH.
Like if you top dressed the bone meal, scoop some back out. Pour through some water with a pH of 6. Or if the bone meal is thoroughly mixed in with the soil, buy a cheap 2-liter coke at the dollar store. Soda's (especially coke) have a pH of 3.5 to 4
Pour the entire two liter soda into the soil surrounding your affected plant.
Then give it a few days to bounce back, after that, water only (make sure the pH is between 6 & 6.8) for one week.
If soil pH is not the issue, provide your plants with a grow type fert, higher in N and lower in P & K.
The loss of fan leaves is OK towards the end of the flowering cycle, but two weeks in, is too soon.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic....


Well-Known Member
Growerwils..... Before assuming your plant needs Nitrogen, check the soil pH. Chances are the application of bone meal, may have been a bit much, which caused a big shift upwards in pH. Bone meal, even the kind with N in it, tends to be fairly alkaline (high in pH).
If your soil pH is 7.2 or over, Nitrogen in the rootzone is being locked out. The only way to free it up is to lower the soil pH.
Like if you top dressed the bone meal, scoop some back out. Pour through some water with a pH of 6. Or if the bone meal is thoroughly mixed in with the soil, buy a cheap 2-liter coke at the dollar store. Soda's (especially coke) have a pH of 3.5 to 4
Pour the entire two liter soda into the soil surrounding your affected plant.
Then give it a few days to bounce back, after that, water only (make sure the pH is between 6 & 6.8) for one week.
If soil pH is not the issue, provide your plants with a grow type fert, higher in N and lower in P & K.
The loss of fan leaves is OK towards the end of the flowering cycle, but two weeks in, is too soon.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic....
nice info osho,, this will help me too! thanks