favorite way to smoke while playing video games...


Well-Known Member
we all know there is a ton of us who play video games on RIU... and we all smoke while playing... question is what is your prefered smoking method while playing??

i have to go with a bong or a vaporizer.. anything that can be hit once during the loading screens or quickly while paused.. nothing sucks more than playing a hard ass level and dieing because you are passing or being passed a blunt, joint, bowl, ect...

now thats multiplayer games.. i do like smoking blunts if im playing solo.. i can just keep hitting it without it ever having to move it from my mouth... or when i do i can do it without moving a hand from a controller...


Active Member
I just go out on my deck and get blitzed then come in for some COD WAW multiplayer. I can't smoke and play at the same time, it's distracting.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
I dunno. I am on a short hiatus from my video games. But whenever COD Modern Warfare II comes out, I will let you know.


Well-Known Member
B O N G...............

their are times that i`ll have a fat ass spliff just hangin

out the corner of my mouth though

but the zig smoke works its way up to my eyes

it will start to burn them a little bit...

cuz i forget to pull on my spliff cuz im blazed and into the game...lol...


Well-Known Member
Pipe or bong. Like simpsonsampson420 said, anything I can take a quick puff off of during cutscenes and load screens. Usually end up fried with a half burned bowl sitting on my lap.


Well-Known Member

yall to have

same avi`s.. hehe

im blazed now..hehehehe

gonna play budaki in a few....


Well-Known Member
Big fat medical bong with wide, deep party bowls.

I work behind a computer so I loathe screens. For me to have fun behind a screen I need to get so fucked up I forget it's not a dream.

After a dry spell there's nothing better then to chill out my brain, turn into a video-game-zombie with a craving for a Jack in the Box shake.

Some day I'd like to invest in a $600 vape.


Well-Known Member
i like to fill the bell of my hookah put some really hot coals on the screen and play waw all night long


Well-Known Member
I smoke blunts so they last a good while, I dont have a vape yet.
Does anyone on here play Fear Perseus Mandate or Crysis????
I play GTA4 solo, im about to load up now.


Well-Known Member
I play cod 4 online for ps3 I usually will just wait till the match is done,Spark up then get back in.


Well-Known Member
I go with the bong or pipe because their easier to put out between levels, missions or scenes. I can't constantly hit a blunt ( choking ) and don't like the idea of wasting all my smoke because I'm too worried about getting shot in the ass trying to hit or knock the ash off the blunt. With the pipe or bong my hit is just sitting by my side waiting for me.



Well-Known Member
I can multi task too well and I don't usually choke anymore.
Constantly choking, wow I remember those days LOL
I use to cough so hard my chest would ache and b sore.


Well-Known Member
Plus I don't know if anybody watches MANSWERS on tv but they had an ex NARC turned pothead and I cant remember the exact numbers but the dude says you get like 26% worth of your pot smoking a blunt or joint, close to 80% off a bong, and like 90% off a vaporizer.



Active Member
I smoke blunts so they last a good while, I dont have a vape yet.
Does anyone on here play Fear Perseus Mandate or Crysis????
I play GTA4 solo, im about to load up now.
Crysis is the first vid game I've played in months! it totally trapped me, but I'm not very good at it. as for the smoke, I perfer a grape flavored blunt....it's my classic :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Crysis is the first vid game I've played in months! it totally trapped me, but I'm not very good at it. as for the smoke, I perfer a grape flavored blunt....it's my classic :bigjoint:
Yeah I havent played crysis in a bit
hacker ruined it alot
been meaning to play the newer one


Active Member
i just keep a ready packed bowl next to me at all times. plenty of time to take a hit in load screen. and in most cases enough time to pack a bowl. could be waiting for a re spawn waiting for your hero waiting for your team to die or win. there are alot of opportunity. waiting for units to build up for a mass attack. lol all depends what kinda game your playing i guess. i found bubbler SUCKED to use wall playing.
Plus I don't know if anybody watches MANSWERS on tv but they had an ex NARC turned pothead and I cant remember the exact numbers but the dude says you get like 26% worth of your pot smoking a blunt or joint, close to 80% off a bong, and like 90% off a vaporizer.

And that is why i dont smoke joints :-)


Well-Known Member
oh i dont use a bong beacuse they r all in storage incase i gets busted, I sure dont want those greesy bastards to get everything, not to mention I dont want that all against me.