** 5 Of The Best Places You've Had Sex? **

the crazyer the better, lets hear them, i have had sex in some bonkaz places, lets hear urs, if u cant name 5 then ur next best to it, i wonder how many will reply to this thread lol:bigjoint:
come on dont be shy lol, 1 of my best has got to be in a 4 bedroom hospital room, my ex misses pulled the curtain round and rode the fuck into me while the other patients where going into cardiac arrest from the shock hahahahaha
1) in my car driving down the highway
2) a movie theater during a movie
3) the parking lot of my old high school after some school thing
4) my buddies pool while him and his girlfriend fucked on the other side
5) a golf course putting green.. hole 10 i believe
ohhh ive done it in so many mad places, i remember hanging my misses of the edge of a 100ft drop in a castle whilst fucking the shit outa her, that was intense believe me, the thaught of some1 watching us drove us both wild 2 lol.
church parking lot

pulled off on the side of a busy highway

havent really done it anywhere that crazy...

i got that beat

in a church on halloween in between the pews

in a DD bathroom

on my ex GFs grandparents bed

in a construction site

got head in the back seat of my exs grandparents car while grandma was driving
i want to fuck in zero gravity.. i think that would be fun as fuck.. just floating around and shit... think of the posistions.. and the spinning around you could do...
broke into the local pool went skinny dipping and fucked in the kiddy pool.

a smelly ass dorm bathroom in the stall

this ones kinda gross but i was watsed... i had sex with my gf in my bed while my cousin was passed out on the opposite end
keep em coming, no1 seems to have done anything extreme, i ca beat ya all, il give ya my top ten once ive heard enough, lol, i may shock u, ive given u two mild ones already.
in a womens dressing room in the maternty ward..

on the beach right where the water barely reaches up to your legs..

in the womans bathroom on the tolit sittin down her reverse cowgirl..

upstairs church room watin for church to get out

in the middle of a cow field damn cows watchin

at carowinds in the big pool when the waves kick in..

other places its hard to think of them all while blazed..
Have you seen those large sheds outside of Home Depot?
Yep, it was great too. We didnt care about how loud we were or who saw us. We were going at it like rabbits on ecstacy :fire:
I think the best place I have had sex was in a bed.....does that seem odd?

Seems like some people missed the name of the thread and are listing the most disgusting and unsanitary place they have ever had sex rather than the best.
In san antonio there is a theme park called fiesta texas and me and the wife screwed on a scooby doo ride. They had tunnels that the ride went through. Tha ride was not a fast one you see so we hopped off and hid beind a big ghost cut out. Man that was fun.
creepysteve im serprized u got fucked at all looking like that, plz change ur avatoe, i kno thats not u, u did it coz it looked funny but it creeps me out sumin stupid lol, CHANGE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
