I'm not to sure about your nutes or mine for that matter , i'm having trouble finding the right levels to use , i'm new to this type of thing you see , so i'm just taking baby steps with the feeds . I like your light set up too , i've just got 8 induvidual lamps ( very hard to position ) ( 23 watt 6000 k ish ) positionend around them using clips to fasten to what ever i can use at the time
and using a 130 watt 2700k cfl lamp with white reflector for the tops ( just on chains hanging above ) but i don't really feel like this is enough , as they are just in the corner of a small room ( not enclosed ) what do you think ? do you feel like your lights are doing the job ? would you fell the same if you didn't have walls for your enclosure ?
ps sorry if im wondering