Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

ah yessim, the sign of a powerful independent and worthy mutha ... cloning ..... and the mom, how does she take it, what's she do? she just takes it on the chin, like taking one for the team, like the good biatch she needs to be .... hahahahaha! Walk on!!~~ I look forward to the pics. (pssstttt .... I'm really really :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:)
Thunder rolled through the sky as the doctor sneered mu ha ha ha ha.
Lighting struck and Clones were born!

You know, you don't have to be a mad scientist to clone a plant. But it helps.

Really, You can just drop them in a glass of water and set it on a window sill.
Sure it will take longer but it works. I've done it.

I like Rapid Rooter plugs but I think a bubbler will get better results.
This time around we are going to see both ways. Side by side.

Another thing, I hear people say the cutting has to be large 5 or 6 inches with two or three sets of leaves.

It really doesn't need to be that long to show you I have taken a few cuttings a little over an inch long.
We can watch them root and grow along with the others. Sure they will be smaller at first but I think they
will catch up in a few weeks.
The race is on!

First the cut. The first two nodes from the bottom (left and right) from each plant.



(like I had to tell you that lol)


There, That's better. Now they are shaping up.
(I know, it looks like I didnt take anything)

OK Here is what we got. I like to use a shot glass because it its sturdy. Thats the train wreck in the right glass.


I took the TW with long stems and put them in the neoprene collars, cut the stems off at
the bottom of the 2" net pot so they were not in the water.


That was quick and easy.
Now for the rooter cubes.

Here is the smallest one.



Ya gotta split the cube so it touches inside.


I dip the end in clonex about 1/4" and plant.



I use the cap to dip the clones then wash it out.


There we go.


Now they go into there humidity dome. Well, a baking pan.

Found it best not to spray the plants themselves. When I have done that in the past they got real yellow and took longer to root.

What works for me is to mist the inside of the pan and the lid with water.



Check on it a few times a day. Maybe need to mist it once or twice.
I keep this up for about three days then water the cube. I see some leaf yellow a bit
then the new growth. Probably a week from now we will have plants.

In they go,


The air pump I have is big enough to run four bubbler's. Makes a hell of a racket though.
So I used a rubber bungee and hung it. I cant even hear it now.



I didn't have a dome for the bubbler but this worked before.

By the way, this is how I vented the compressor.


A priority mail box cut to fit 4" hole in back of cab and two 3" fans.
I didnt realise they had led lights in them. I got a speaker in front of them.


You are tha man Cruzer!! I can't wait to see roots on those babies. You know how bad I am at cloning. If I ever get one to root I'm going to throw a party!!
very nice and great presentation .... thanks for the info ... really appreciate seeing how this all comes togehter ... Walk On!!~~
hm...why dont u cover up the rez tank for ur clones?...

Welcome Neo,

The res tank you see in the picture is for the flower area on the upper shelf. I have a cover for it.
The clones in rooter cubes do not require much water so I mix a gallon at a time and keep it in a jug.
I use it up in a week or two.

The bubbler has it's own res.

Thanks for the input. Sometimes I don't make myself clear and questions help.

very nice and great presentation .... thanks for the info ... really appreciate seeing how this all comes togehter ... Walk On!!~~

Wow, thank you.

I do take some time putting these post together and you are the first person who has mentioned presentation.
You see, I don't have a formal education but I do enjoy reading and try my best to present the facts along with
a bit of humor in an easy to read journal.

Walk on my friend.
really nice setup there cruzer looks better with the clones there to fill the space..

I agree, gotta love the green. We got two more spaces to fill up.
Cab 2 flower area, thats setup but cab 1 veg area still needs to be built.

I have my led panel and a couple of T-8 24" floros for in there.

Still not sure about what to do down there. I would like to have the same sixe tub
as the flower area so I could just move the tops of the tubs with the plants in them.
But I don't see how I can do that. There is not much space and I am going to need another res.

I got about 40" wide by 18" deep and its about 20" tall.

any ideas?

I had trouble when I tried the humidity dome.

Has this been working for you ?
Hey Earl,

Oh yea, It has always worked well when I root in rooter cubes or rockwool.
As long as I kept the water on the dome not the plants.
Actually one time I didn't use it and they rooted but I lost a few and it took longer.

I don't know about rooting with the bubbler. I did it once and it worked with the little
plastic glasses over them. I see other people don't use domes rooting in a bubbler but when
I put them in there I noticed the fan moving them a bit so I covered them.

I have some anti wilt stuff from vita grow. I haven't used it before so I didn't try it this time but it sounds cool.
It is suppose to put like a coating on them that slows down the transpiration and keeps water in the leaf while it is rooting.
Works a bit like the domes. Hell, I don't know if it is really needed.
I do know there is zero humidity in there with wood floor and wall.

Looks like you grow in a basement. I assume you have some/high humidity with those lights in there.
Probably wouldn't need it at all.
I just spray the stems and they grow roots.
No gels or any dips or foliar feeding.
I add nutes to 200ppm so I can measure the pH
Then I pH adjust the water to 5.6
I keep the light pretty low until they start roots.
I think temperature is important also.
I keep the nutes about 76º until the cuts have roots.
I just spray the stems and they grow roots.
No gels or any dips or foliar feeding.
I add nutes to 200ppm so I can measure the pH
Then I pH adjust the water to 5.6
I keep the light pretty low until they start roots.
I think temperature is important also.
I keep the nutes about 76º until the cuts have roots.

Yea thats where I am trying to get.
Doing it in a small space has it own challenges.

I started with rockwool then I found rooter cubes. I figure a bubble cloner
will be best for my grows. I just have to get used to it.

Yea, I read your journals here and at cc. Great stuff.

Have you moved your chiller?
I remember you posting something about moving it away from the res, you were going to build a room or something.
gotcha man. well very cool. ive been keepin an eye on ur grow man, comin along nicely i mite add.

Yea, you got me thinking... where the hell is it? I had to look but I found the cover.
I haven't finished that because I don't have a pump. I used the pump I had to circulate the 7 gal res underneath it.
I ordered a pump for it. That will hold 5 gal.

Temps 89 res 68°
ppms 240
pH 6.0

Plants used about 1.5 gallons of water today. I added it back at about 700ppm and got the
res up to 420ppm and balanced Ph to 5.8

I am starting to smell them already. Usually I don't smell a thing until the last couple
weeks of flower. They are about 16" tall seven to eight nodes and the lower shoots have
grown up quite a bit.

I think they are ready to flower so its 12/12 from here on out.






Temps 86
rooter plug 84°
bubbler water 78° Ph 5.8

OK time to turn the light on. I leave then dark the first 24hrs
The air in this area is the only section that uses inside air.
The rest are all vented through the floor. This keeps it warmer in there during the night.




I think I am just barely making it. I want it between 76 and 85° in there. Now the light is on
I covered the tub to keep the light out. Mist the domes and added 5ml to a few of the rooters.

Well we started these on the forth of July in here.
If all goes well I will be harvesting the first batch early september.

