Well-Known Member
Today is my first time going all day without some smoke since i started way back when. It really sucks. I simply cannot afford to get a bag right now. Times are tough. I have 2 choices I can starve or buy weed and im a pretty big guy so starving is out of the question. I find myself getting pissede off about everything. I was ready to smash the t.v. when they were talking about the GM strike. So i decided to try some nutmeg. My cousin introduced me to it a few years back when he got out of prison. They sell it and get high off it all the time in there. I never tried it cause i always had weed and when my dad tried it he because he was drinking with it. Anyways i took 2 tablespoons about 45 min ago and I dont feel very high. I read it takes a little bit to kick in but im about to take some more. Does anyone have any experience with nutmeg? How much shoud I take? I read if you take 5 tablespoons you will get so fucked up you just want to die. So i dont want to take too much.