First Grow EVER. (CFL)


Well-Known Member
Well Hello Everyone!!!


Im so excited to be starting my first grow. I would like to introduce myself. My name is boomstick, a native Vermonter. Im 23 years old. THIS IS MY FIRST GROW. Basically this site has giving me so much information on the 5 W's. WHO WHAT WHERE WHEN & WHY. So I figured I would register and post some pics to gain some feedback!!! So. I am doing a closet CFL grow. The reason I started was because I randomly threw about 15 seeds into a Pot outside of my appartment, and poof, ended up with 14 plants. SO i did some research and everything fell right into my lap. I have spent about $120 on my room. So please hook me up with your feedback because I am a newbie and I NEED YOUR HELP. Thanks a lot guys. I have uploaded an album of pictures so take a look!!!



Well-Known Member
welcome bro, do you happen to kno what strain your growin it looks like it could be a strong sativa jus wondering?


Well-Known Member
No Idea what the strain is. Theres 4 or maybe even 5 plants that are different from the others (from a different bag) they are booth an outdoor seed. Yes, they are sativa.

Just an update : I am going to be getting splitters for my light, so i can attach 3 more bulbs to what i have now. Im going to check home depot this morning, maybe walmart if they dont have it. Also will be adding COOL white bulbs to what i have now, instead of the cream colored. (i hear that the COOL are better for flowering). My next step is to figure out when to go to 12/12. I also stared nut last night. (Organic Mirical Grow)


Well-Known Member
AND BTW. Thanks for the luv. Ill keep you all updated daily :)
Extra lights would help for sure, you'll want the ones that are around 6500k for vegging, and 2700k for flowering. Careful with the nutes, most folks here advise waiting until your babies are at least a month old before adding any.
Welcome to the forum, and good luck!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yep good idea adding lights jus a tip walmart had a 6 pack of 26w for like 14bucks the other day.... cus yeah 14 plants is gonna need alot of light to not streach , given youll have to cull out some males before flower but your gonna want lots more light fo sho


Well-Known Member
oh and i suggest ditching the foil man some people do good with it but not to many , mylar, flat white paint, space blankets, those car sun visors all work better


Well-Known Member
Well. Good to know. Also, my plants are about 3 weeks old, they have not been under enough light thats why they appear small. Im still trying to find those connectors to make 1 in to 2 . I might just buy another fixture. I was curious about a Halogen. The one im looking at is about 10bucks and produces 3600 lumens. I was gunna grab it for the hell of it. Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
halogen doesnt produce light spectrum that plants can use and is very inefficent and gets hot, so dont get that, and those Y spliters are at home depot in the electrical department next to the plugs and switches they are like 2 or 3 bucks