Unwanted visitor to my garden!


Well-Known Member
Hello All-
Worked in the garden this morning putting up a roof over the top. I used recycled 1-1/4" x20 foot PVC pipe. Then 5' wire mesh on top of the PVC, very happy with the results. Came back out this evening to do some more work on the roof and I found a visitor in the garden. Pictures below, also tell me what you thing about the new roof.



Well-Known Member
Didn't kill him, just made sure he got FAR away from the garden. Don't want to be working on the girls and have my visitor friend resting under her. Thanks for the roof comment, i"m very happy, nice and secure and easy to cover in case of bad weather.


Well-Known Member
nice 'rattler. he'd be great security ! It probably went right back to the wood pile.
I could just imagine the reaction = hands at the base of the plant, doing some tending.......
I had that happen in florida, but it was a 3ft coral snake. (yes, red touching yellow)
snakes are pretty docile, untill you move quickly.
nice picture


Nice roof..........and happy you didn't kill the your new friend.


Well-Known Member
I like the security comments......good stuff.
That was my nightmare, working on the girls, cant see very well, then WHAM, rattlesnake bite. At least a rattler will let you know he's there, but a coral snake, YIKES!


Active Member
why is everybody aganist killing stuff on here ?? theres nothing wrong about its life... rattle snack is good eatin i know pepole that pay good money for it... but back to the thread very nice setup man good lookin plants to..


Well-Known Member
why is everybody aganist killing stuff on here ?? theres nothing wrong about its life... rattle snack is good eatin i know pepole that pay good money for it... but back to the thread very nice setup man good lookin plants to..
they are not talking bout hunting here my friend....they are talking about killing it so it wont come back or cause he doesnt like snakes and fears them......hunting is great


Active Member
they are not talking bout hunting here my friend....they are talking about killing it so it wont come back or cause he doesnt like snakes and fears them......hunting is great
what do u think killin it would be like its the same thing as hunting .. its not like u would do it differntly if u were hunting .. and he said he didnt kill it i woulda choped that thing head off at first sight i dont mess around with shit that can kill me...


Well-Known Member
The snake was moved far away from the garden (he was very pissed at me) I invaded his area, he didn't invade mine. We all have a roll here on earth, who am I do decide the snakes faith? I'm just a gardener trying to go through life happy, healthy, and to do the right thing. Who knows, that snake may have just eaten the rat that was going top make my garden his nest.


Well-Known Member
why is everybody aganist killing stuff on here ?? theres nothing wrong about its life... rattle snack is good eatin i know pepole that pay good money for it... but back to the thread very nice setup man good lookin plants to..
for real fuck that ill kill that mo fo if any thing is threating me or any thing or any thing i love (my marijuana plants) its game time


Well-Known Member
The Rattlesnake is a Pacific Rattlesnake.
I had one on the property that was 5'-6" long, HUGE ass snake. that one was killed by my neighbor. I wasn't home, and the wife was here alone, the snake was in the corral with the horses. She feaked out, called my red-neck neighbor, he came with a gun and killed him. I would have caught him and moved him like i did the snake in the photo. I guess we are all taught different ways to deal with different issues. I have a fishing pole rigged with twine that i use to catch these suckers.
I'm too old/fat/slow to try to use a stick and my hands any more.