2 plants (flowering) 1 pot I'm too scared to remove


Well-Known Member
I'm growing my first plant and 4 seeds poped so I transplanted 2 which both died now the other 2 have sexed (both females) but I don't wont to move 1 just incase the roots are tangled the pot is about the size of a office bin and about 10 inch's deep and the leaves and are touching each over WHAT DO I DO or can someone tell me the right way to transplant I've been 12/12 now for 1/2 a week and they both around 16 inch's


Well-Known Member
You may be too late for a successful TP.
Ya might trim the parts away that are crowding each other and let both grow?


Well-Known Member
+1 on Mr. Fishy, i had two grape tomatoes plants do this a few years back and instead of trying to kill one off i decided to trim the branches and leaves between the two (not all, but enough so they weren't all wrapped around each other) and that seemed to be fine. i work in an office and the bins i'm looking at are TINY, so i hope it's not what i'm thinking. with two plants you're gonna need a lot more space, if you're only in week 2 i'd transplant the whole thing, dont try and remove anything, just give it more room to grow, hit the twins with some SuperThrive from walmart or your local garden center and she'll be perky in a few days! be EXTREMELY careful when handling rootballs, may not seem like it, but you can really damage your plant without knowing it. goodluck!


water the soil to avoid stress and cut them has best has you can and repot


Active Member
i grew 3 together in a 10 gallon pot they got really nice and big, just trimmed where they came together but got a nice harvest. good luck


Active Member
yea just let em keep growing.. when the roots mingle and firm up in there transplant to a bigger pot.. keep the leaves from touching best you can.. so the light can get in there.. goodluck


Well-Known Member
idk about tp them as i think u might fuck up the whole root ball, you should transfer into a much wider and a little taller pot and leave the plants 2 gether and tie each one down 2 one side of the pot(no trimming) just gently bend them away from each other. ive grown 2 seeds 2 gether before. and each plant was a pound the stalks came 2 gether at the ground like a v and so i pulled them away from each other and they both grew up the same size the stalks were and inch and half thick about 6 ft tall. i had 3 plants in a 2,1/2ftxwx2ftL 2ft deep ft good luck


Well-Known Member

I feel abit ashamed coz I've seen other's grow rooms and this is all i could really afford :cry: but these are my babies and my girlfriend is so jealous


Well-Known Member
I'm growing my first plant and 4 seeds poped so I transplanted 2 which both died now the other 2 have sexed (both females) but I don't wont to move 1 just incase the roots are tangled the pot is about the size of a office bin and about 10 inch's deep and the leaves and are touching each over WHAT DO I DO or can someone tell me the right way to transplant I've been 12/12 now for 1/2 a week and they both around 16 inch's
start tieing them over so light reaches all over the canopy and dont worry just your going to have to feed them alot more since its like that and you yield is not going to be as big that all but 2 for the price of 1 think about it you lucked out with 2 females in 1 pot , just take more care of them and then your good to go bro


Well-Known Member
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View attachment 499447

I feel abit ashamed coz I've seen other's grow rooms and this is all i could really afford :cry: but these are my babies and my girlfriend is so jealous

they are small so you can lst them man just tie them over like i said before and if you want a easy grow room just go to a wal mart and go buy the emergency blankes 1 of them is 6/12 feet tall by like 4 feet wide do thatcan cover you and its just like mylar its nice. oh its in the sporting good section lol, but most of all tie them buddys over man and youg good to go


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys I've cut back the touching parts and tied them to sticks creating a V shape they look good now I'm seeing mini buddz and the sweet smell has taken over my place I don't mind everyone who knows me knows I'm a weed head. I also turned off a wall heater which was about 1 metre away from the grow room which was drying out the plant too much and then I was over watering to compensate. I'm learning alot still alot more to learn,
2 last questions

1.Can my female (who are already flowering) go hermi due to light leaks

2.How long will it take to be able to Harvest on average (I know strain and lights play a role and looking at browning of the pistils to jugde when ready) people have told me 11 weeks and someone the other day told me 4 weeks

I'm using 2 x 40 watt Fluorescent tubes 1 cool white 1 Aquarium light and the strain is standard Swazi