2012 what do you know?


New Member
the elite bankers are known as the bilderberg group. its real. they have meetings to control EVERY economic decision... they control everything it sux.. Chem trails are scary man.. FUCK NWO (new world order) or world government. it will be here before you know it. Even if anything doesnt happen in 2012 the government has the power to induce twisters etc..

if you guys want more crazy theories and anti-goverment shit.. check this site out

read this one
its nuts!

yeah. it's all theories. it's all theories made by people who are making money off the theories through books or radio or whatever. conspiracy theories are all a money making conspiracy.

please give it a rest, people like you make me want to quit smoking weed to disassociate myself from that bullshit, because it's only people who are breaking the law that believe that shit, and it seems to me they are just justifying their actions albeit in a very lame way.


Well-Known Member
yeah. it's all theories. it's all theories made by people who are making money off the theories through books or radio or whatever. conspiracy theories are all a money making conspiracy.

please give it a rest, people like you make me want to quit smoking weed to disassociate myself from that bullshit, because it's only people who are breaking the law that believe that shit, and it seems to me they are just justifying their actions albeit in a very lame way.

people like you is why i CONTINUE smoking.:bigjoint: fuck associating me with anyone..just continue to OBEY their laws and be the puppet that they want you to be and you'll be fine..but one day maybe for once u might want to try and think for YOURSELF and make your own decisions. this thread is here to talk about 2012 and other related items. no one is trying to make money off the idea.. just because i dont confrom to the world's image donesnt mean i dont have the right to discuss WHATEVER i want...


Well-Known Member
yeah. it's all theories. it's all theories made by people who are making money off the theories through books or radio or whatever. conspiracy theories are all a money making conspiracy.
gravity is just a theory too. someone must be collecting their conspiracy dollars for that one ..:hump:


Bro, this better not be some fucking Miley bullshit... Its got that tacky bitch written all over it. Confirm/deny?...

Yep thats def Disneys newest way to turn the next generation into hoes..Miley Cyrus...

Maybe thats a gov conspiracy... Disney was placed to polute american youth... nick stars never turn up nude online....


yeah. it's all theories. it's all theories made by people who are making money off the theories through books or radio or whatever. conspiracy theories are all a money making conspiracy.

please give it a rest, people like you make me want to quit smoking weed to disassociate myself from that bullshit, because it's only people who are breaking the law that believe that shit, and it seems to me they are just justifying their actions albeit in a very lame way.
Do you think the doctors of history that study historical theories predicting the future are pot heads... Just because potheads are on here talkin about it doesmt mean everyone involved are potheads... So are you gonna disassociate from everyone?

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
i dont know about you guys but i love everyone unless they give me a reason not to !!
ppl disassociate with me not the other way around i could care less what ppl think and i guess alot of ppl like that ??
just smoke a bowl and quit worring about this 2012 bull shit no matter what happens were all goin to die one day !!!!!



Well-Known Member
i dont know about you guys but i love everyone unless they give me a reason not to !!
ppl disassociate with me not the other way around i could care less what ppl think and i guess alot of ppl like that ??
just smoke a bowl and quit worring about this 2012 bull shit no matter what happens were all goin to die one day !!!!!

but if u knew your LAST day on this planet was going to be in 3 years. wouldn't you change your lifestyle a little bit? personally if i was 100% sure of this inevitable event i would smoke way more than just one bowl! lol


Well-Known Member
2012 is only being talked about now because it will put asses in the seats at the theater when the movie comes out.

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
but if u knew your LAST day on this planet was going to be in 3 years. wouldn't you change your lifestyle a little bit? personally if i was 100% sure of this inevitable event i would smoke way more than just one bowl! lol
honestly i dont give a fuck i live the same as i would on my last day only thing is i would do what i usually do one last time and be happy with what im doin with ppl i love and like !! life is all about livin how you want to and what makes you happy to me fuck the rest!!!