Cough syrup alternative?


Wow man if I could rep you again i would thats pretty sick I have some upstairs. Be right back haha how much did you drink the whole small bottle?


Ok guys I know this post is kinda rediculous going in, but I need some advice. Ive had a shitty week and im desperite to get high tonight but I dont have any green =( so I went looking and I dont even have any cough syrup. All i could find was a bottle of walgreens brand sore throat spray. I figured it may work but I wanted to ask everyone on RIU before i dove into it. So anyone ever tried anything like this? Would i be able to trip off this or am i just asking to throw up? Any threat of an od?

Thanks in advanced =D

wow!!!!! u are a feind


Well-Known Member
Hmm no vanilla but i found the next best thing. Pppermint extract its 89% alcohol o.o
um yea depends on how you handle your liquor. its basically just like taking shots of anything you would by at your local ABC store man. if they have those in your areas. basically just drink it like booze


[QUOTE="SmokinForever";2850867]just drink a beer[/QUOTE]
Would if i had some =/ trust me i wouldnt have made this thread if i had anything common


Well-Known Member
wow!!!!! u are a feind
well i have come to the conclusion that you don't like drugs besides the good old herb and booze. don't take this as me attacking you because i'm not in no means. just stating that i have noticed you posting on a lot of threads calling people junkies. which yea i guess you will find a lot of those on the section of the forum for any drug thats not herb. we all have are own opinions but trust me you aren't going to change the mind of a junkie. i have tried many of times and it's always a let down. from girlfriends to my stepbrother.


Well the bottle was only about half full, so got a little buzzed but was nothing special defintly not worth drinking heh. Tried salvia today for the first time so kinda wish i held off last night made me feel like shit


Well-Known Member
Well the bottle was only about half full, so got a little buzzed but was nothing special defintly not worth drinking heh. Tried salvia today for the first time so kinda wish i held off last night made me feel like shit
yea the taste really isn't that great so if your going to drink that shit i would make sure that you had enough.
Phenol is toxic. =\
DO NOT TRY THIS! I drank an entire bottle of that vicks shit and ended up first passing out then started seeing shit then litterally 20 seconds after seeing shit I started puking my brains out. BTW all this happend when I was in high school taking the finals.


DO NOT TRY THIS! I drank an entire bottle of that vicks shit and ended up first passing out then started seeing shit then litterally 20 seconds after seeing shit I started puking my brains out. BTW all this happend when I was in high school taking the finals.
Yea vicks defintly wasnt my favorite thing ive ever tried cough syrup in general is ussauly out of the question for me unless im really buggin heh. Yea i dont think ill ever do the flavor extract again it was more unpleasent then it was worth.
Yea vicks defintly wasnt my favorite thing ive ever tried cough syrup in general is ussauly out of the question for me unless im really buggin heh. Yea i dont think ill ever do the flavor extract again it was more unpleasent then it was worth.
I would say if your really desprite then try corcidine c or how ever its spelt. Its the cough medicine thats a pill form, you need to be 18 to but it. But it fucks you up hard core. Comes in 16 pill packs DO NOT TAKE ALL 16 AT ONCE EXPECALLY ON THE FIRST TIME! 6-8 pills should be perfect for you to tripp your balls off for a few good hours. Ive also smoked chives, this works a little not a weed "High" but you do get stoned off smoking whole cloves.