Couple shots of my Blood Pythons

captain crunch

Well-Known Member
Sittin' at home, bored, watching my baseball team fade into oblivion for yet another year.

Decided I'd post a couple pictures of my two blood pythons. The first shot (no flash) is of a 4 year old male that is about 4 feet long and about at thick as a baseball. Second shot is the same male but with the flash.

The last two are of a yearling male. He's about two feet long and a little thicker than a golf ball. I'm really looking forward to seeing how he colors up over the next few years! If anyone is interested I will try to post up some new pictures of him when he sheds this week.

Keeping and breeding reptiles has been a hobby of mine for about 15 years.

If you keep reptiles or amphibians as pets and want to post up some photos please, feel free to contribute!


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Do they get along well together?

They have actually never been together while in my collection. Both are housed separately. Most snakes are solitary animals.

I used to house two corn snakes together when i was younger. Got bit one day when trying to separate them while feeding. I've housed everything individually since then.
Thanks for the comments, i greatly appreciate them. I take a lot of pride in these two blood pythons, for me they represent a change in direction for my collection. I am currently looking for an adult female so i can breed the larger male this coming season. I'm very interested to see if the stripe that he demonstrates will be passed on in his first generation offspring.
That first snake is so fat, looks sweet man. I got a few buddies who have snakes, i love to hold them.
man i have a dimond python but i had to sell her, not enuff room now i have a childen's python i'll put a pick of her up
for some reason my peace of shit computer won't load up my pic's so yea , i'll keep trying tho
I dont know what the attraction with snakes is. Its not like they play fetch or speak or anything.
I dont know what the attraction with snakes is. Its not like they play fetch or speak or anything.
Yea, but you can put, em' cool looking tropical backgrounds, They don't shit or piss in the house, and tear up furniture, and it's really cheap to throw in a rat every once in a while or in my case a cat,J/K,,I have 4 of them in the house,,and just been to nice to a stray with 2 kittens outside:o
I'll get my pics up sometime,,he's a Red Tailed Boa,,sleeping in his log.
i bet those guys were pricey.

I used to keep and breed all sorts of reptiles, not really a snake fan tho.

I had leopard geckos, crested geckos, blue tongues skinks, poor mans leachianus, tokay gecko, pac man frogs, pixie frogs, bearded dragons, and some chameleons, o and a corn snake or 2.