LED Grow 2 weeks in....oppinions


Well-Known Member
2 FUCKIN WEEKS? from seed? for real? looks awesome if that's accurate, mine aren't looking at all like that and I'm under LED too... mine look like well.. regular 2 week old seedlings..
good stuff.


Well-Known Member
I took a pic of one of my little ones under LED and that's at like 3 weeks... what are you feeding yours!!! seriously, they look awesome.



Active Member
is anyone else using LED's having problems with stretching? I've got 2 plants that have like 3 inches between nodes. never had this problem with HID.


Well-Known Member
That is the reason why you should be using HID and not LED... switch now and your plants will thank you


Well-Known Member
Your plants look good, a little stretchy as mentioned. Definitely re-pot them asap.
I think LED's are a great addition to a HID grow, but as a stand alone light source they just don't quite cut it.

These are my Auto AK's after 2 weeks under a 200W CFL Envirolite, just before I switched to a 400W HPS -



Active Member
LOL....you do not need to repot yet. Why people suggest that so soon, I will never know. A lot better to let the roots get nice and big before transplant.

Also the reason you are gonna get stretch is because LED's don't have near the light intensity needed to provide for a plant. Having a HPS 24" away would provide 50x the light intensity (OUT OF MY ASS FIGURE), therefore reducing stretch, as well as providing way more light to your plants. HPS is the way to go right now, LED's are supposed to be used as supplemntal lighting unless you want to drop over 1,000 dollars on enough LED's to actually have the intensitiy to grow some decent crops.


Active Member
That is the reason why you should be using HID and not LED... switch now and your plants will thank you
I have previously used HID Im giving LED's a shot! so far its been a learning experience... i shouldnt have switched grow mediums and lighting all in one shot...cuz its been giving me trouble lol oh well...im learning.