Lack of responses seems to be an issue on this forum. Most of these people really piss me off because they think they are gods of growing. Everyone had to start at the beginning sometime and they all act as if they are too good to help us. I had to post several times over a period of a few weeks, just to get a freaking response from somebody and they replied with the same smart ass remark "do some research and browse the forums before you start asking noob questions". FUCK YOU PEOPLE WHO SAY THAT!!!!! i guarantee that same person would not enjoy that exact response when thrown their way when they just started out growing. The fact is, that most newcomers do a lot of research on their questions before they ask them (and there are some that don't), but most serious newbies will gather up as much knowledge as possible before diving in head first. Most of the veterans only post in pre-existing threads that have been going on for years...and then you expect the newbies to browse through 1000+ pages for that one freaking thread!? GFYS! The search option is not very accurate in case you haven't noticed. Each individual is different than the next, and that person might have a harder time understanding the info that is put down in typing. Some of the miscommunication is because of the extremely poor quality of grammar that is spoken by at least half of this forum. Im not here to cause any problems, but i do tend to want to speak out for the little guy who can't get his voice heard over the pathetic pukes who run this dictatorship.
<---smart asses. I am not a novice when it comes to growing any greens but like you, i do tend to have a few questions that rise up throughout the growing process. The fact remains the same; treat the newbies with some respect and a timely efficient answer and you shall receive it in return. This is a "Growing Forum". How bout we all learn and grow together as a community of people who enjoy the same wonderful fruits of life! Growing doesn't just apply to plants, it also applies to people and the planet we live together on. And together we should be able to grow and prosper for the sake of a better life! Cheers!