Do you smoke cigarettes?

Do you smoke cigarettes?

  • Yeigh

    Votes: 48 49.5%
  • Neigh

    Votes: 49 50.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I smoked cigs before but only when I was blazing and I shared it with another person or sometimes 2, once I smoked one without blazing first and I almost threw up. Fuck cigarettes. Smoke weed :)


Well-Known Member
The Marlboro seemed so......tiny.
lol oh yeah true. normal ones did feel funny after a pack or more of wides. :-D

I smoked cigs before but only when I was blazing and I shared it with another person or sometimes 2, once I smoked one without blazing first and I almost threw up. Fuck cigarettes. Smoke weed :)

smoking weed is actually helping me with quitting cigs. ill try to take a puff of some whenever i get an urge.

i dunno theres just something about the actualy act of smoking that helps ease the cravings.


New Member
It's the hand to mouth cycle which becomes addictive. One of the reasons why ppl, gain weight after quitting, hand to mouth, but with food instead of tobacco as a comfort. :wink: Ouch!


Well-Known Member
yeah ive noticed just holding one in my fingers and bringing it up to smell it for while helps. and before i decided to quit and i didnt really want to smoke a cig but had a craving (weird right) i would just keep one in my mouth. the craving would subside after a few minutes.


New Member
Now this might sound a bit crazy, but i will smell my unlit cig for quite awhile before I ever light it up. It just smells good.

Straight up G

New Member
I never smoke cigs urrgh I think they are disgusting and can't stand to be around 1! and will never understand y people smoke a cig in weed y would you do that it's the weed that gets you stoned WTF


Well-Known Member
I smoked heavily for 4-5 years. Just quit 4-5 months ago, one of the best decisions I ever made, I am not a cigarette smoker anymore :)
same ..feels good mann
woop 'high five'

but when i roll a joint i will add a wee bit of tobacco for burning reasons :blsmoke:


Active Member
I smoke weed but I do not smoke cigarettes.

I am + surprised about the results... gj non cigarette smokers :lol:


Well-Known Member
I smoke cigs and weed too.Pall mall lights menthol eww i kno but whatever.And I drink too usually nattie light or wildvines blackberry wine.


Well-Known Member
Never smoked cigs.....tried to drink in college (late 60's) but didn't care for it.......began toking in 70.......
I must say I prefer NOT to be around cig smoke but my gf & I like to play pool so we deal with the smell for a bit but we really are stinky afterwards ....
I do believe those who smoke cigs have an ageing look earlier and those who drink subsequently show their ass a bit much....
I have always been the designated driver etc and glad of it!

smoker toker

Active Member
I'm horrible... afraid I take after my parents who have both chain smoked sense they were 16.. lol.. I'm only 20 and I smoke about a pack a day..... of CIGARS... well.. those ciggerette cigars... good shit though.. after you get used to those smoking tabacco is like sucking down paper.. lol.... not too big of a drinker though.. beer is nasty, but I do like to slam vodka when me and my buddies party :-P

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf: