Yellowing on new growth


Active Member
Third day in flower(yes they are small plants).

Whats the problem? Before I flushed the plants the ph of the soil was at or over 8. So I flushed them with 6.8ph vinegar water but the plants arnt growing and the yellowing is still there just not as bright.

Will the yellow disappear or will they stay like that?


Well-Known Member
Looks like such fast growth the new leaves haven't yet filled with chlorophyll,could also be that your light is to far away from them or both:blsmoke:
The plants are definitely growing as well i can see that from the tops.


Active Member
Looks like such fast growth the new leaves haven't yet filled with chlorophyll,could also be that your light is to far away from them or both:blsmoke:
The plants are definitely growing as well i can see that from the tops.
Well when I mean they're not growing I mean they have stopped growing in the past day or two. I peak in every day to move the lights and check out the growth. If you look at a few of the older growth you'll see charred fan leaves, thats from them growing into the lights.

They did shoot up pretty fast when I first started to flower. I hope your right cuzz messing with nutes this far along spooks me.


Well-Known Member
Your probably just used to seeing more stretch and growth from the veg cycle,just keep on doing what your doing and they will be fine i reckon:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You are completely fine friend, it takes a little while for the new growth to take on the same color as the more mature leaves. Lookin good


Active Member
Lookin normal?? I don't think so.

3 days later and the yellowing is still there. The yellowing on the half green half yellow leaves from before are now almost completely yellow. Think I should be adding some epsom salt?

At least they are growing now.


Well-Known Member
Your plants dont seem to be getting enough magnesium for their rate of growth i reckon your using tap water yes?
Use filtered water and as you said some epsom salts or alka seltzer.
The tops usually do have that colour when they grow quickly but if the lower leaves are starting to yellow up a bit then your right about them needing mag:blsmoke:


Active Member
Good deal. I'll try that tonight. And yeah I am using tap water but its got that britta filter on it. Also when I flushed the plants I used vinegar to bring the ph down to 6.8ish. Heard that works and it did bring it down from 8.

Thanks for walking me through natmoon and everyone else!

One more question though if anyone wants to chime in... What causes the top leaves to be so skinny? I know they're growing still but they just seem very different from the rest of the plant.
