12/12 lighting from 1st set of leaves + rep


Well-Known Member
hey i got a few questions i never did this before, but a friend who is a well experienced grower told me since i dont have the optimum light that i should just throw my big bud and crystal in the flowering room with my nevilles haze . i was starting another grow and the big bud and crystal are about 2 inches tall so should i just throw them in the flowering room since i dont have lights to do a seperate grow? plus i dont want my bill up any higher, do you think they will reach a foot or better i know the yield will be small, but still my nevilles haze has about 8 weeks left of flowering out of 16 i will give rep for good info. nevilles haze is 5 feet tall. big bud and crystal are sprouts about 2-3 inches tall
Personally, I think moving the flowering plants to a veg lighting cycle may be a better choice (if you are forced to make one). Granted, there will be stress on the plant, but your "Big bud and crystals" will not be forced to start flowering early, which is something I personally would want to avoid.

The only thing you would have to be concerned with, is turning your Nevilles into a hermie. I am pretty sure that an 18/6 cycle will prevent this, as long as the dark cycle is not interrupted.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think moving the flowering plants to a veg lighting cycle may be a better choice (if you are forced to make one). Granted, there will be stress on the plant, but your "Big bud and crystals" will not be forced to start flowering early, which is something I personally would want to avoid.

The only thing you would have to be concerned with, is turning your Nevilles into a hermie. I am pretty sure that an 18/6 cycle will prevent this, as long as the dark cycle is not interrupted.
my nevilles is already budding im 7 weeks in so its not going to hermie, im just worried about the other plants and nevilles can be put into 12/12 from seed bro . it wont effect it al all . only thing that is going to happen with bg bud and crysatl is that they will only grow to 1 foot -18 inches and will finish when the nevilles will that it
my nevilles is already budding im 7 weeks in so its not going to hermie, im just worried about the other plants and nevilles can be put into 12/12 from seed bro . it wont effect it al all . only thing that is going to happen with bg bud and crysatl is that they will only grow to 1 foot -18 inches and will finish when the nevilles will that it

Well, I am not familiar with every strain of MJ and how they grow. I was just stating that I would rather move flowering plants into a veg cycle rather than move veg plants into flowering "light" cycle too early. I am assuming that you are wanting good turnout correct? If you move those "2 inch" plants into a 12/12, you will get poor budding results.


Well-Known Member
Well, I am not familiar with every strain of MJ and how they grow. I was just stating that I would rather move flowering plants into a veg cycle rather than move veg plants into flowering "light" cycle too early. I am assuming that you are wanting good turnout correct? If you move those "2 inch" plants into a 12/12, you will get poor budding results.
id get half yield


Well-Known Member
hey i got a few questions i never did this before, but a friend who is a well experienced grower told me since i dont have the optimum light that i should just throw my big bud and crystal in the flowering room with my nevilles haze . i was starting another grow and the big bud and crystal are about 2 inches tall so should i just throw them in the flowering room since i dont have lights to do a seperate grow? plus i dont want my bill up any higher, do you think they will reach a foot or better i know the yield will be small, but still my nevilles haze has about 8 weeks left of flowering out of 16 i will give rep for good info. nevilles haze is 5 feet tall. big bud and crystal are sprouts about 2-3 inches tall
:joint: if it were me i would go get a few cfls to veg the other 2 under for a few more weeks or until they reach about 10-12" then put them into the flowering room. if you try and flower them now its just going to be a waste of 2 good plants(imho). they will flower but your lucky to pull an 1/8th per plant. a few cfls to veg those should run under 20 bucks or so and will be more than worth it in the end....


Well-Known Member
:joint: if it were me i would go get a few cfls to veg the other 2 under for a few more weeks or until they reach about 10-12" then put them into the flowering room. if you try and flower them now its just going to be a waste of 2 good plants(imho). they will flower but your lucky to pull an 1/8th per plant. a few cfls to veg those should run under 20 bucks or so and will be more than worth it in the end....

thats what i was doing bro, but the wife complained about the bill because we are still paying off 3 grand and were down to 1100 dollars and my buddy simpsonsampson told me thats my best bet bro. check his grows out man so im not sure about that man , but thanks + rep for concerns


Well-Known Member
the reason i suggested that he put his big bud and crys seeds straight into flower is because he did not enough cfl lighting to properly veg the plants for the duration of the time his neville is in flowering... he has somewhere between 5 to 7 weeks of flowering left.. and the cfl's he was using were only 26w... 3x 26 w cfls to veg 2 plants for 5 weeks?? can you see the problem.. so i told him his best bet would be to just straight 12/12 the sprouts so that he can clear out all the plants at once and start from scratch... this way he wont have to deal with stretchy plants due to improper lighting...

now if he can afford to get some stronger cfls that will last through 5 weeks of veg successfully then he should continue to veg the sprouts instead of flowering them.. but since he cant do that right now, this i believe was his best option and a way to get to a fresh starting point...


Well-Known Member
:joint: if it were me i would go get a few cfls to veg the other 2 under for a few more weeks or until they reach about 10-12" then put them into the flowering room. if you try and flower them now its just going to be a waste of 2 good plants(imho). they will flower but your lucky to pull an 1/8th per plant. a few cfls to veg those should run under 20 bucks or so and will be more than worth it in the end....

Idk bout the palnts your growing dude but i can get an oz off each plant with a cfl grow all the way threw no prob. I actually topped it and wish i didnt during the 12/12 cycle, so i can ppnly imagine if shee had her main cola still....ahhh deff 35g's for sure. try it out you might be surprised. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Idk bout the palnts your growing dude but i can get an oz off each plant with a cfl grow all the way threw no prob. I actually topped it and wish i didnt during the 12/12 cycle, so i can ppnly imagine if shee had her main cola still....ahhh deff 35g's for sure. try it out you might be surprised. :peace:

see me im using 2 different systems , in my flowering room i got a 430w super argo bulb whick i have about 5-7 weeks left of flowering my nevilles haze i toped her at 20 inches and flowered from there and she 5 feet tall now and in my other room is the cfls and im growing bigbud and crystal with cfls so im going to grow them until they are about 1 foot tall and then im going to flower them just the flower room is kinda of small so i dont have enough room for all 3 of them in there so its a pest .


Well-Known Member
word i was saying i got an oz off of 12/12 from seed to that other dude who said your only gonna get an eighth. I say veg until the neville's is almostt done then you get everything you want. Bigger yield and more room once the neville's is out. Im sure your wife will understand when you get that nevilles off your hands. :joint:


Well-Known Member
does no one listen to the size of cfl's he is using?? he's either got 2 or 3 x 26w cfls.. thats it.. its not even close enough to veg anything successfully with...

normally i would agree with everyone here and say veg as long as possible.. but if the stretch he is going to suffer during the veg period is going to be like i think it will its not worth it... a 1 foot plant, vegged with a 26w cfl, is going to be stretched and lanky as fuck...

if he could get a couple 150w cfls.. or even a few more 26w cfls that would be one thing.. but i seriously think he is going to be setting himself up trying to veg under those little lights...

if he just flowers everything, and takes some clones of the neville, and uses the 26w cfls to root them and grow them slightly, by the time they are ready to start vegging his 400w light should be freed up.. this means a much better light to grow and flower with.. but thats just my opinion.....


Well-Known Member
wtf? i hate this computer is just deleted wtf i had typed in man . ugh but i was thinking of something else bro, if i ran all 4 cfl`s and the big tube if that would do any difference at all, because those run all the time in the house anyways and she dont have shit to say about that lol


Well-Known Member
like i said bro.. normally i would be behind you... i would tell you to veg until your nevilles done and then more your shit to flower..

but like i keep trying to say your light is not sufficient bro.. it wont matter how long you veg if the light you are vegging with isnt enough to grow the plant proper.. you'll end up 5 or 7 weeks from now, whenever your nevilles done, with a strechted tall lanky plant that can barely support itself going into bud.. and who knows what you'll end up yielding if it cant even support its own weight..

its your call in the end.. i just think you are going to be kicking yourself in the ass.. and then, if you do decide to veg them out, and then 7 weeks from now realize i was right and you do start kicking yourself in the ass, you'll still have to flower them bitches out before you can start new seeds.. so thats another 8 weeks that the light is going to be tied up flowering plants that arent going to be worth flowering.. well maybe not quite that bad.. but you get the jist... im just trying to free your light up in 8 weeks or so, so that you can grow from start to finish the right way with the right light... maybe its a waste of a couple seeds going straight to 12/12 right now.. and you wont get the most out of them.. but in the end you'll make our better because you will have a freed up 400w light you can use to properly veg and flower your next plants with... like i said.. your call...