Britain to Install CCTV Cameras in Private Homes


Well-Known Member
The British government has announced plans to install CCTV cameras in 20,000 UK homes.,0101-218862-0-2-3-1-jpg-.html
The UK government this week announced that it will spend £400 million ($668 million) on the installation and monitoring of CCTV cameras citizens in their own homes. Aimed at problem or antisocial families, the cameras are there to make sure children go to bed on time, eat well balanced meals and do their homework.
Already in operation in roughly 2,000 homes, the Daily Express reports that these Family Intervention projects cost between £5,000 and £20,000 per family and include private security guards who conduct home checks on the families.
The news comes just a couple of weeks after's decision to delete copies of 1984 and Animal Farm from customers' Kindles in what the media described as an Orwellian move.,news-4375.html

I wonder how long before we might be facing the same thing here in the U.S.
WOW the UK is totally fucked, Its turning into Orwell's 1984 world there. I think the UK is already the most heavily CCTV saturated country in the world.
I, frankly, don't have an issue with CCTV in public. There are no "privacy" issues as far as I am concerned... IT IS PUBLIC. Act accordingly. It is no different than having a cop on the corner, watching. Technology helps public servants do their jobs. Utilizing the resources available is not inherently "evil".

THIS... is evil.
What does have to do with it? Amazon is an American company....?

Anyway, yeah, it's kind of scary... but take a look at the official web site for this "project"

The way they describe these families brings to mind images of what could only be the UK's version of hillbillies and rednecks. I'd hate to see what would happen to 2/3 of the population of our southern states if we took the same approach...
I, frankly, don't have an issue with CCTV in public. There are no "privacy" issues as far as I am concerned... IT IS PUBLIC. Act accordingly. It is no different than having a cop on the corner, watching. Technology helps public servants do their jobs. Utilizing the resources available is not inherently "evil".

THIS... is evil.

Absolute EVIL!!

I don't mind the public views either, No one is ACTUALLY watching every camera, they only record it and go back and review if there was a reported crime or something. Can you imagine how large the government would be to have a employee watching every single camera for any infractions? Once they come up with the technology where a computer can watch and determine if someone is in the wrong, thats when we are really screwed.
Have you guys heard of the contract up for bid right now to monitor the Canada/Us border? Some type of balloon cam system that they were talking about using on the ontario U.S border. It has an amazing zoom and can look right into people homes.

I live near the border more to the west and we already have one of your drones on patrol. Every now and then we get to see a few of your fighter craft fly over into canada make a big loop and go back.
Wait a minute! Here's the reasons given in the article: "the cameras are there to make sure children go to bed on time, eat well balanced meals and do their homework."

When you have government paying for your health care and your education, of COURSE the citizen will be monitored. Coming soon to those who ascribe to Obamacare.



1984 anyone, LOL.
I bet five years ago,
if you said they were gonna put camaras in peoples homes
you would have been called a nutjob conspiracy theorist.
Can you just imagine U.S. government officials trying to put cameras into our homes?

Government official: "Good morning sir, I'm here to install a camera inside your home so we can monitor your health habits.

U.S. Citizen: "Welcome sir. Come on in, I'd like to introduce you to a couple of friends of mine. Their names are Smith & Wesson. :lol:


PS: Those in the UK aren't privy to friends like Smith & Wesson because they have rolled over and believed the bullshit passed out by their government gun grabbers and therefore are no longer citizens, but just mere subjects. Nice going, Brits ... enjoy your cameras.
Just about everyone has a webcam, most laptops one comes built right in. Scary thought. I have a cam on my xbox360. I video chat with some friends, the cam has a little green light ring when it's on and when I'm not even in a video chat that light is on and it bugs me a bit so I keep it unplugged when not in use.
So you're basing this CCTV monitoring "fact" on information provided by a gaming website? LOL, this is total bullshit. A little research shows that they don't have their facts right. Basically, you've turned 24 hour supervision of the most troublesome families at a neutral site into CCTV monitoring of private citizens in their homes.

These families have been heavily involved with the law for many years. The monitoring is not much different then spending time in jail, only here they're trying to do a little rehab first. The numbers seem to indicate that they're more successful in their rehabilitation efforts then let's say the US. Don't believe everything you read on the internet!
So you're basing this CCTV monitoring "fact" on information provided by a gaming website? LOL, this is total bullshit. A little research shows that they don't have their facts right. Basically, you've turned 24 hour supervision of the most troublesome families at a neutral site into CCTV monitoring of private citizens in their homes.

These families have been heavily involved with the law for many years. The monitoring is not much different then spending time in jail, only here they're trying to do a little rehab first. The numbers seem to indicate that they're more successful in their rehabilitation efforts then let's say the US. Don't believe everything you read on the internet!

Right wing nut jobs will take ANYTHING they can get to give credibility to their delusions. That's why they troll the internet all day long. The interwebs enables their fantasies and illnesses.

I was amazed by the response as well. Most people didn't even research - they just took it as truth.
Seriously. No one bothered to check if this was real? I knew immediately that it was bs.

Of course they didn't check. You have too much faith in the right wing whackos. A little research will debunk most of what they believe, so of course they avoid it at all costs. Check the psychology on these people - scary stuff.