Adams first wife before Eve..Its a crazy story

  • Thread starter hempcurescancer
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according to certain stories in the bible, in the beginning of man, god created adam and a wife, i cant remember her name. anyway, she got pissed at adam cuz he wuldnt let her be on top when they fucked...and I guess they got into a big argument and broke up, and the bitch became like a succubus that kills children at night time and seduces men and uses ther jizz to birth demons...then god created eve from adams rib to show mans dominance or some shit like really not sure on my religious beliefs at this stage of my life but I know i definetely believe in reincarnation. My question is, does anybody have any idea what im talking about? if the whole god thing really is true(who knows) then tht succubus would be real too.
Her name is Lilith. Religion is what you make of it, and what you choose to believe. I believe there is a God, but I do not believe that The Bible is "His" book. I believe it's Man's best attempt at capturing the essence of God. Same goes for Islam and Judaism.
Judaism believes that the cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is because of Lilith. Pretty wild. It's fascinating to me how the three most accepted religions of the world intersect. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all believe, effectively, in the same God. All three believe we are descendants of Abraham, but they all disagree on who was the last prophet to deliver God's word to the people. That seems like a pretty small discrepancy compared to the number of lives lost defending the concept. Then again, that's just my opinion, and opinion's are like assholes....


Well-Known Member
oh all the interesting stuff i find out is bulls**t?? people just took a camp side story and put it in the bible.


thnx for the vid fdd2blk

it does seem strange and pointless that so many religions fight over such a small difference


anyone notice that the chick that played the lilith lady in the youtube video is hot
hah yea. the girl who played her in what i saw besides the youtube vid was pretty hot too. so was eve in it. talk about trying to attract crowds lol


haha yea. right before she takes ur jizz and makes demons with em


Makes yowounder if this adam doesnt have any other ex's man. This dudes sounding more like hes a mormon.
wouldnt that be some crazy shit

and there is sacrifices to everything. get a sleezy hooker and an std or get lilith and a demon son? man, i dont want an std...liltih it is


shit your right. no std or child support, and you got to fuck a crazy hot ass demon, who only even became a demon because she couldnt ride the first living mans dick! that sounds pretty damn pro lol


Well-Known Member
Lillith, the first feminist..

demanded equal rights since she was made of the earth just as Adam, and would not submit to Adam.. how messed up is it that God has to make another female from Adams rib so that she must submit..