OUTDOOR hydro vs. aero vs. organic???


Active Member
Basic question:

what method will grow the BIGGEST monsters?

Sunlight is a given over ANY light source as we all know...
...now what about the rest?-given the plant was put in a perfect environment with hydro/aero in nice sun/weather...what soil/growing medium would yield the biggest? what a bout quality wise?-organic soil i'd say.?

Now, which would out weigh the time/effort in returns?

...i'd presumably use a SOG method of growth(for indica dominant), w/possible LST ,and multiple toppings (of only branchy strains, Sativa/hybrids),
..what are the advatages of a greenhouse?
...any thing else to contribute for primo monsters?

(oh, and if you'd like, throw in some GIANT strains, with min. yeilds of QP+ for average outdoor season.(heat tolerance and length from start to finish are appreciated)...and 1p+ avg.outdoor yeilders?)

...the goal is to grow 2+P per plant, of the highest quality possible, and it'd def have to be outdoors with ample space/ advanced techniques/mediums.


ftc Lando

if you want freakish buds its easier when u control the light source for the results you're talking about. At least 600 hps. Where abouts are you trying to do this? altitude wise etc ..


Active Member
if you want freakish buds its easier when u control the light source for the results you're talking about. At least 600 hps. Where abouts are you trying to do this? altitude wise etc ..
flat altitude = no mounts. /hills
lat= south u.s. ...

idk if i want/could do it, im just curious..all the info on here is really interesting