please send some picts of mature bud

We are coming to the end of our first grow. We need to be sure we are harvesting at the right time. Can some of you send some pictures of buds at harvest so we can get a better idea? Thanks


Active Member
Every plant flowers differently and every plant grows differently under its conditions provided. No one can give a set amount of time with cannabis plant, just a general estimated amount. As you saw when you first started flowering your plant the female emitted these white hairs, pistils, that designated its sex. Well those hairs near the end of the cycle will turn amber starting from the top and working its way down. I always have been taught when 2/3 of the pistils are amber its harvest time. Other growers may disagree and go with more or less time. Take a look at your hairs! Good luck hope everything turns out great.


Well-Known Member
Wait untill you absolutely cant wait any longer, and then wait another week. LOL No seriously though!
This is great stuff here >
I use and recommend the 60X-100X scope at radio shack (or other online sources). Knowing when to harvest is more of an art than a science. Its mostly personal preference. I dont think other peoples pics will help too much. Most people harvest too early. We're all so impatient lol. Plus different strains for different gains. They're not all going to look the same when they're ripe.
Best of luck, and good job getting something TO harvest! Peace.


Well-Known Member
not being rude so dont take it that way, but i believe it's the trichome's that need to turn 2/3 amber, not the hairs or "pistils" if you brush those with your finger they'll turn brown, so i think that's a bad idea. you need a magnifying glass to look close enough at the trichome heads, they start clear when the plant start flowering and you'll see them develope and mature and become more visible to the naked eye. However, to really see it's true color you need to bring it out of the grow room and use a magnifying glass to inspect the heads of the trichome, they start clear then turn cloudy/white, then amber. pick it too early and risk not getting stoned from ur bud, pick too late and you'll be couch locked. Check out the faq, i'm sure they have some more info. on this, but pictures of buds aren't going to tell you when you need to harvest, all buds look different mature. Goodluck with the grow! and READ READ READ! tons of info. on this site!


Well-Known Member
Not to be rude so don't take it that way, but I believe that if you wait until 2/3 the trichs have turned amber you will have weed that will put you in a coma. (Bigtime couch-lock!)LOL Thats a lot of amber. 1/2 amber is a lot of amber in my book.
To each their own....
You're right though, going by the trichs is a better indicator than going by the hairs.