There are a lot of A-holes in the world, so getting shit on is a fact of normal life, and even more so on the web. Instead of creating a nuisance, and asking a lot of unnecessary questions, one should try educating ones self.
When you got to RUI there's an area called newbie central, and a thread called "101 already asked questions
This thread wasn't started in order to bash newbies, but as usual today we're still getting questions like "where can I get seeds", and "how can I tell if my plant is male or female", what type of light should I use", etc.
It was provided because the same newbie questions over and over again not only gets old, but it also uses unnecessary server space If you're just starting out,
this is a good place to start
What does being a vet have to do with deserving respect on an anonymous web site?
If you're a Vet that's great thank you for your service to our country.
If you're a newbie welcome to RUI