Bud Frosty
Well-Known Member
They'll still be lookin for gardens even if they legalize it. They'll just change their focus to ones that don't pay taxes.
So your saying all drugs should be legalized....That was a reply to the legalization of all drugs, which I think is a great idea. I found this little article that sums up my position kind of:
Marijuana should definitely be legalized, it is so harmless and useful as a plant and as a drug.
Your obviously not concerned about where your lifes headed. Not to be a dick but most people are and those hard drugs are just a escape for people who are not satisfied.If society would rather be stoned, why not? Life's too short.
No offense to you but your argument does not make sense. I am not doubting that you may be a professional. Pot would not affect most businesses but they would just increase exports to other countries. Hemp does not contain thc thats why most people can use hemp shampoo, body soap... Even outside the USA. But to say you would toke up in your boardroom is just stupid. Alot of people have self control when dealing with pot...How old are you btw.And yes in 10 years I'll be one of those big company chairman investing in marijuana attack campaigns if the result of legalizing it will hurt my companies profits. I'll also be toking up in my boardroom after everyone heads home. God I love pot