The "What If" thread.........


Master of Mayhem
What if the seasons did not change and it remained 1 season for ever? What season would you what that to be?
No "what if" about that down here...there is one season here...HOT!!!!What if I gave a reacharound to a spider monkey while reciting the pledge of allegience?


Well-Known Member
fall where i live would be great year round. not too hot, not too cold. i work outside year round and hate when its hot or when its cold and snowing.


Well-Known Member
what if i became president and outlawed all law enforcement.
then i would of hd to be your adviser to let you make such a wise desicion,lol

and if fdd were pres. there would be a department just for gardening couse that shit would be legal,lol:hump:


Well-Known Member
what if the hoff got blazed and ate a burger for us live?would it be worse than when he;s drunk,hmmm