Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

Cracker Jax you sure have a grudge against God and stick to the topic if he says he is a christian and believes in God and not if he exist. Take that non believer stuff somewhere else man.

If you can understand from what perspective I am coming from, you would not say that I have a grudge against G*D. A grudge against something I don't believe? :lol:

Now, let me just temper that with this (because I actually am pretty laid back). We could discuss/argue for the rest of our lives the definition of G*D. Which G*D? Who's? It's as different as the weather from one place to the next. How can that be unified with common sense?

So here it is.... I do believe. I believe that "something" was a catalyst which created all we are "aware" of. I hesitate to talk of "the beginning" because as a man, I do not profess to know how time REALLY works or that there may be another undiscovered force or connection that later generations will discover. I can't be certain of time as of right now. But something was definitely a catalyst for our surroundings.

As for a heavenly father which demands worship and unbending fealty because there's this here book the Bible which says right there on page XXX that "it's the real deal" .... so help them G*D.

Uhhhhhhh, I don't believe that one. And if you weren't raised from a kid on it, but actually presented with the whole story for the first time at your 21st'd bust a gut laughing if you thought your parents took it seriously. Indoctrination, or a severe devastation personally induces the comfort of the myth. If you weren't raised on it, you would seriously doubt it.

I do have a grudge against cults though, no matter how well dressed up they are.

lets say it is.. is there right and wrong? and why?

Sure there is right and wrong. We could chat nicely about behavioral science. The problem with the Bible is (pick a version), it's got a lot of conflict and downright barbaric stories and laws in it. It is NOT a good guide... UNLESS you very carefully pull a snippet here and a snippet there, and perhaps string them together into a sermon, if you're good. Most stories are a jumble of context jumps. So, which part do you believe? All of it? Some of it? None of it?

I could be raised on the complete set of Grimm fairy tales, with no editing nor restrictions and carry away the best part of the Bible. Without all the mumbo jumbo world domination...oops, I mean salvation stuff. :wink:
Cracker Jax i don't feel like writing a lot but you should look into all the stories about miracles and stuff. People seeing angels before death and experiencing stuff that no would see with their eyes. The jews are a good example of biblical stuff even though they denied Jesus was the son of god. You should watch the history channel because lots of history back up the times of apostles and what was written from them that pertains to the bible. A lot of athiest have become christians and tell their stories. But whatever you believe man just does not have enough proof for it to be backed up. I am done here peace...
The problem with the Bible is (pick a version), it's got a lot of conflict and downright barbaric stories and laws in it. It is NOT a good guide... UNLESS you very carefully pull a snippet here and a snippet there, and perhaps string them together into a sermon, if you're good. Most stories are a jumble of context jumps. So, which part do you believe? All of it? Some of it? None of it?

Whats the problem with lots of conflict and barbaric stories? you did understand the lesson right?

There is an alot of laws in it does that make it a bad guide? lol
anarchy rules?

Your right most preachers pick and choose things to make a good sounding sermon shame on them!

I believe hmm i would say about 99% of the kjv bible the 1% i dont believe wouldnt contradict or change anything i do believe yes there are some versions that should be thrown away..
Cracker Jax i don't feel like writing a lot but you should look into all the stories about miracles and stuff. People seeing angels before death and experiencing stuff that no would see with their eyes. The jews are a good example of biblical stuff even though they denied Jesus was the son of god. You should watch the history channel because lots of history back up the times of apostles and what was written from them that pertains to the bible. A lot of athiest have become christians and tell their stories. But whatever you believe man just does not have enough proof for it to be backed up. I am done here peace...

How you know they saw angels before their death? Seems that if they had, they wouldn't have been able to tell anyone anyway. Why one may ask? Because they're supposed to dead?
Cracker Jax i don't feel like writing a lot but you should look into all the stories about miracles and stuff. People seeing angels before death and experiencing stuff that no would see with their eyes. The jews are a good example of biblical stuff even though they denied Jesus was the son of god. You should watch the history channel because lots of history back up the times of apostles and what was written from them that pertains to the bible. A lot of athiest have become christians and tell their stories. But whatever you believe man just does not have enough proof for it to be backed up. I am done here peace...

You should look into the drug DMT. It's the stuff your brain spews out when you dream. Your brain also spews it out when dying. In other words, they were/are hallucinating.

( While i was typing this... the cable went out.
Was it God giving me a sign that i'm wrong?
Nope, TVs do that sometimes.)
How you know they saw angels before their death? Seems that if they had, they wouldn't have been able to tell anyone anyway. Why one may ask? Because they're supposed to dead?


i think hes gone for good but i am sure he ment near death
You should look into the drug DMT. It's the stuff your brain spews out when you dream. Your brain also spews it out when dying. In other words, they were/are hallucinating.

( While i was typing this... the cable went out.
Was it God giving me a sign that i'm wrong?
Nope, TVs do that sometimes.)

my wife worked at a hospital and alot of the nurses and Dr. said over the years they have seen and heard things when people die and or about to die thats just weird. (not gona tell all the stories)

i cant vouch for them just telling you
Ihave no problem with the Bible a story book. It has no business being a guidebook to life however. Again, I could come up with 50 books which would do a better job, without all the trappings which go with religion. Religion is a source of global conflict. It is UNNEEDED to live a good life. The insistence of "spreading" the word especially irks me. Always a tip off to a cult.

I just won't engage in cult societies.
..Again, I could come up with 50 books which would do a better job, without all the trappings which go with religion. Religion is a source of global conflict..

I agree but have you read the new testament about how much it talks about loveing people.
its wrong being Christian, sorry.If there is such a thing as god then the old bastard has screwed me over pretty hard!!!

Smoke on....
its wrong being Christian, sorry.If there is such a thing as god then the old bastard has screwed me over pretty hard!!!

Smoke on....

If there was a god you would blame your messed up life on him?
Who would you thank for the good times?
I agree but have you read the new testament about how much it talks about loveing people.

All sorts of books preach that. It is the insistence of the Bible being an authority and end all to the subject which grates me. Both sections of the Bible are rife with too much garbage in it to be useful as a whole.

The official church doctrine is that the Bible is the entire truth.... and uses it as a club to expand it's power base.

Love is a great concept but at least with the Bible and the church, it has been corrupted beyond recognition to pursue worldly is a false religion.
Why are there no threads bashing jews or blacks. Are only Christians are fair game for your bigotry these days? Or is it that you know there is a God, and you feel like he's given up on you?

Why else would people constantly focus on christians, and Jesus, when every other religion in the world pretty much believes the same thing or is it easier for you to stereotype Christians; is it that you think they're an easy target? Well that makes you a bully.

I have a hard time understanding your hatred for a certain segment of society, when a stereotype doesn't fit everyone in that group. I certainly don't fit your stereotypes, and I don't appreciate the daily posts being directed at Christians in a derogatory way.

Funny, when I joined the RUI community, I don't remember reading anything about having to leave my religion at the door, or that in order to be a pot smoker I had to throw away my faith.

If you really despise Christians, maybe you would fit in better with others who think the same way you do. Here's the link if you're interested