Stem Tea??


Well-Known Member
as far as i was concerned.. thc is fat soluble.. it will be hard to extract with plain hot water.. they use frigid water to freeze trichomes in bubblehash. ive never had success drinking stem tea whether i used a bit of butter or not..

ps. it might taste alot like chlorophyl if anything lol


Oracle of Hallucinogens
THC is not water soluble, the tea is extremely worth making, you just have to make it correctly! We used to make this shit all the fucking time!

Take your stems (save up a few g's):
Get a cup of milk (preferably whole milk)

* Throw in a small amount of hard alcohol, dont have any? Use a little bit on vanilla extract* (Optional)

Take a tea bag, put in your stems (some people break em up.. whatever, do what you will)

I like tea, so I take a tea bag full of stems, and a tea bag full of tea.

Heat the cup of milk (potentially alcohol also), just under boiling (for some reason it foams like a motherfucker, so watch out for that)

Throw in your tea bags, let it steep until you can see a layer of what looks like a really thin skin on top of the milk (if you added tea the milk should look almost like coffee with a few things of creamer.)

Enjoy, it tastes good, it's good for you, and granted it does take a while to kick in, assuming you use enough stems, it will have a good high.. it's different from smoking, but it is rather pleasant.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
hah.. no prob bro. Most people literally are making "tea" like weed flavored water, that is not appealing to me... so I come up with recipes that are appealing to me! haha


Well-Known Member
all he needed to do was look on the next page and find 3 other threads about this instead of starting a new one and stem tea dosent work with out some cream or something and just a few stems wouldnt get an infant stoned anyway i make tea just because it tastes good.
New Idea Chocklate milk! Why not empty the tea bag then fill it with bud Boil Milk with fat then add choclate syrupt then dip the tea bag in the choclate milk! I just thought about that!


Well-Known Member
i had some killer bud one day (even the stems had crystals on them) and i put the stem in my mouth and sucked and sorta chewed on it for a while then i left it in my lip like a dip of chewing tabacco and i got a pretty good buzz from it without heating or adding anything and it taste pretty good too.