ph down.. how much is too much?


New Member
like the title says I'm wondering how much is too much for my plants? My tap ph is aound 7.5 so even with nutes it seems like its gonna take more than the "few drops per gallon" directions its the technaflora brand or somethin like that. Also I was wondering how accurate those drop testers are? Cause it said my res was at like 6.9 but the plants look fine and are growing at a rapid pace it seems.


New Member
like the title says I'm wondering how much is too much for my plants? My tap ph is aound 7.5 so even with nutes it seems like its gonna take more than the "few drops per gallon" directions its the technaflora brand or somethin like that. Also I was wondering how accurate those drop testers are? Cause it said my res was at like 6.9 but the plants look fine and are growing at a rapid pace it seems.
invest in a digital tester
adjust water no more than .2 in a days time
u should adjust ur water before u put it in the res


New Member
Sweet thanks. So if I put mh ph from7.6 to 5.8 can I do this in one treatment and let it sit for say a day or two before putting it in the res. Otherwise were talkin about waiting like a week maybe more I don't feel like doin math lol just to refill my res.


New Member
Sweet thanks. So if I put mh ph from7.6 to 5.8 can I do this in one treatment and let it sit for say a day or two before putting it in the res. Otherwise were talkin about waiting like a week maybe more I don't feel like doin math lol just to refill my res.[/QU
there r stablizer u can put in the water to get it at a certain ph...then adjust from there....always have ur water right before u put it in the res...
what u mentioned should work


New Member
Nice thanks man if anyone else can verify?? Ill give it a try. It'll prolly be better than my current 6.9 or so lol


New Member
If I could afford to buy distilled water and could physically carry it up to my house I would but I can't and my caretaker is mad enough about havin to help witj res changes. Hed prolly freak if I asked him to bring me 12-15 gallons of distilled water every week haha


Well-Known Member
If you do ebb and flow like I do then it’s ok to adjust the water to what you want. I don’t use a digital tester or anything fancy like that, I just make sure my water is piss yellow when I test it. I add a cap full every time I add water and never have problems. I am confident that you will not have any problems either. Every strain is going to ask for different conditions, but I have never had a problem with ph down messing with the plants at all.


New Member
Hmm. Its a dwc drip system. Not sure if or how it would make a difference I just heard too much can be bad. And so were I add micro nutes grow nute then adjust ph yeah? Micro always first ph always last?


Well-Known Member
I am sure that too much might be bad, but if you just take it easy and control your ph the best you can you will have no problems. I put a cap full into the reservoir and it’s usually good in about 10 minutes. Don’t be too worried about it, you will do fine hydro is easy.


New Member
Nice. Thanks for the reassurance. I will say that it is MUCH MUCH faster and eaier than soil as far as indoors goes. I wanted to punch babies throughout my last grow (first time indoors) I like being able to go in theire and work for a half hour once a week and watch them explode the rest of it lol. Ill try it out worst case scenario I end up with expired mota plantes lol


Well-Known Member
I spoil the shit out of my plants and give them probably about an hour a day… Unfortunately it’s been my only line of income since the economy tanked. I am a medical patient also and sell clones and meds to other mj card holders. None the less growing is fun and you’re going to love the simplicity of hydro. Also make sure you take it easy on the nurturance. Plants unlike people don’t get fat from over consumption. When you keep your PPMS down a little it makes the plants suck it up faster in hopes of getting as much as they can. When you have a high abundance of food in the res for them, they know they don’t have to work hard for the food stunting the plants growth. Since you’re new to hydro I figured I would let you know this info. Don’t be misled by the general consensus of pumping the PPMS up to make the plants fatter. Not only will you save money this way, but it will be better in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Also what is ur waters ph before u add that capfull and how big is ur res? Thanks again for the help +rep

My water PH is 7.0 before the ph down. The natural PPM is 38, you know like I do that the water is good in the northwest. I used to not even fuck with the PH back in the day, but came to the conclusion that if I was going to grow bomb indoor weed than I need to create the perfect environment…. I don’t mind helping you out at all! When I got started in this shit I would read for hours everything I could get my eyes on about marijuana. I tell people that I have been to the Google Collage and got my BA in growing weed. :weed:


New Member
I like the way u think. Lol I was thinkin about that last week but like u I'm on a budget so I plan on using minimal amounts of nutes but alotf of different ones. By the end of their lives they will have had abou 1700 ppm max but it will be of grow big. Micro gold. An bloom. Bud candy. Bud blood. Carbo load. Big bud. Open sesame chaching and beastie bloomz. As well as hammerhead. Lol. I'm gonna go one week an one week fox farms and so on see how it works out


Well-Known Member
Yeah for sure I give the same love to my plants, but I use all the Technaflora BC products. My bud is extremely high quality because of the love I give them not just because of the food I provide them with. I can look at one of my plants and know exactly what it needs and what I need to change. That’s just form growing all the same stuff for the past three years. You seem like you got your shit together though. Once you get a good feel for the system your on now, you should try ebb and flow. It’s easy to build and a failsafe system in my opinion.


New Member
Oh ok so I won't need but a 1/4 capfull lol I'm only adjusting 12 gallons. So can anyone confirm my? About the nutes? I add micro first then whatever else than adjust ph right?