B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !


Well-Known Member
each plant is as individual as a person..... thats why they are my ladies, my babies ;)........ hell yeah, check that out....... stay organic buddy, trust me! I will use coco again..... but there are some things that I am looking at trying first..... and my best results have always been from soil, organic soil at that.
Those strains look very frosty and tasty..... I hope you get tons of those beautiful nugs to fill up your drying lines :). I look forward to watching the grow develop. Keepin it real bro ;)


:) yup m8, is plagron soil organic ? :D

hah. lol im so noob ..

damn they look nice homie
cheers :weed:


Well-Known Member
day 31


added 6 more plants... MAPLE LEAF Flowering Period.. 7 Weeks... :hump:

10 more will be added tomorrow or in 2 days.

need to buy the stuff to put em in, havnt got any soil left :S

scraped the last up.


6 new girls.... want them to stretch a bit... hopefully i can achieve this with no lights on that side :)




Well-Known Member
Day 32 -

lost over 100 plants....

due to some legal action :P


my new dog.... :) well not yet... hope to be new dog of mine last pic :)

she's so mellow she just looks as the fly like hello mister fly.. check pic :)

hah... cutie ^^ :weed:



Well-Known Member
looking good DWR.
hey & love the dog. do i see little puppies there in the future, or am i 2 stoned right now? :eyesmoke:
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Well-Known Member
looking good DWR.
hey & love the dog. do i see little puppies there in the future, or am i 2 stoned right now? :eyesmoke:
Way to expensive + the dog thats living here with me atm. is a multiple winner of many Cups. + Her family is just excellent breeds !

It would cost us to much to do evrything needed for the puppys.

Would cost like 12000 Bucks to have babys... but you can sell the puppys for 5 grand :) Only cuz of the history... I even have a book of her mother and father

aso.. back to 1900 :)

'Lost over 100 plants....'
??? which plants D?

clones...... 50 of em..... 20 new plants for flowering... 5 new plants in flowering.. and 2 Plants 32 days in flowering.

10 Haze plants new growing, I nearly killed the el nino but she looks just to good, so i kept her.

About a hundred.. prob not 100, but its well over 80 plants i chucked yesterday !

totally shit... I will have to move my outdoor plants indoor now, i allready have an idea.. :)

pics later on guys.... :shock:


Well-Known Member
ah it sucks wen u lose plants, i lost 5 clones the other day:(:(:(

:) well the police came round m8... i didnt have any other choice other than to clean my house out ;)

all clones gone.. cant risk being lookd at as a huge dealer :) :hump:

made a thread about it, half of em dont believe me.... but who gives a fuck, i mean why would i just kill 80+ plants ?

yeah.. cuz im stupid ... :P lol jk i aint stupid, they realy came round :) ROFL !

Dude, i was sweating buckets while cleaning evrything out, was like fuck please dont come round now while im doing this shit :)

cheers :joint:


What do you think of using my outdoor plants... and SCROG THEM ? :D ???? GOOD IDEA HUH ?

600W - Going to buy new stuff today :)

hehehehehe yeah


Well-Known Member
Jo Jooooooo, so since i had to kill 80+ plants...

i am throwing away the 400 Tent... No more vegn for atleast a month, + i will buy the 80x80x160 box.... i need a bit more space.

listen anyone wana buy the 60x60x140 box off me ? 40 bucks and its yours. Or anyone got something up for trade ?

seeds against box ? lol ..... shit...


300 Cloning things.. cant remember the names..


tnt veg - thinking of it now i dont have a veg tent.. so why the fuck did i even buy this stuff ??? sometimes i smoke to much :)

i even walked out with pk13/14 instead of the power zyme, then i realized what is this shit ?

ahh man, so stoned.


got bloom nutes again, i used a whole bottle in 32 days :confused: doesnt it say 1 litre = 1000 litres of water

i calculate max : 30x10 = 300.... i think i realy gave them tooo much .. but i cant see any problems on the plants... :confused:

anyways i got new bottle..

power zymte... so now i've got the whole collection.. no one can tell me i will harvest more now.. cuz im doing it max... i want to see if it realy does help.. cuz i never realy used allot of nutes... didnt see the point.. trying it out now as you can see. 1 bottle 32 days.. gone... pathetic.


last pic is the growbox... anyone want it.. ?

