A few questions about a first grow

I am about to move into a small house with a friend. I have a closet (with a vent on the ceiling!) that is pretty small, and I was hoping to do a grow there. I'll get some pics up next weekend when I move my stuff down there, but it's about 3ft deep by 4-4.5 feet wide.

It's not huge, but I was wondering about some suggestions for strains for a first-timer. I've helped some growers before, so I am not clueless, but still if I do this I want it to be perfect.

I just want something that can grow in a closet, requires minimal care, and won't smell (my roomate is not cool with weed...sadly) and has a decent yield.

I realize this is probably impossible, but I figured I would ask for some tips and pointers for stain/set-up/wisdom.



Well-Known Member
i have a setup that i want to try out that would be perfect for that space its aeroponics that can grow 16 plants and uses two 600 watt hps. all plants are different strains. That you can get from the attitude seed banks pick and mix section.

Illegal Smile

A closet that size is fine, and if it really has a vent all the better. You can grow any strain, your big decision is soil vs water, and lights. The biggest problem could be heat and humidity control. Lots of people would love to have a closet like that.

PS smell control = ONA, google ONA odor control


Well-Known Member
well weed smells unless you use a carbon filter and then you have to think about the noise. but i do things big you could just grow a couple plants and use 4 150 watt cfls.


Active Member
If you're interested, and you're not too space restricted, you could go looking into a growing tent. I've seen some on ebay that are quite cheap and look decently made with mylar linning and so on.

Otherwise, for your closet, I agree with IS, you'll have to worry a little about the humidity and heat, but since you say you have sort of vent, you shouldn't have to worry too much about that.

As far as odor goes, check into carbon scrubbers.

Otherwise, for seed selection, just check around seedbanks for something not too expensive and idealy indica, or mostly, since it usually has a less strong smell, and will grow a little bushier than other plants. If odor is a big problem, stay away from "skunks".
Next, if you're looking for big yeilds, same thing, look for something that says so. There's so many choices of different strains that you'll probably easily find something that'll tickle your fancy.

I've personnaly opted for Seedsman's Skunk Haze (not such a great choice, because of the smell, otehrwise, seems to be doing great), and I've recently received some low ryders, which are dwarf plants. They're supposed to be somewhat low on odor, more bushy, but a little vertically challenged. It's also not something to get over-excited on the yeild, but hey, I don't intend on being a huge stoner, and simply try to supply a few friends when possible, it'll pretty much pay off for itself.


Well-Known Member
my exp with indicas are they smell very strong. Also heat isnt a problem if you go with 150 watt cfl, or t5 flouros. Little to no need signature.


New Member
Go with Master Kush from Nirvana. easy to grow, takes 8-10 weeks from seed to flower. Packs one hell of a buzz to, good for insomnia. And hell with your roommate man, why do us stoners have to be so daMN careful around people that dont like it. Hell your paying rent just as he is, you got every right to grow in your room.


Well-Known Member
cause its illegal and if your room mate blabs to other people you run the risk of getting caught


Active Member
And you also don't want him to babble accidently to other "dealers" that might take it onto themselves to shut down your operation.

(Too many action movies.... -.-')
Wow, thanks everyone for the quick responses.

I plan on some kind of bushy sativa, something that will (sadly) burn quick, but yield fast and smell minimal.

I don't know much about auto-flowering, but for a grow that I can't be messing with 3-5 times a day, would that be a smart option?

Just throwing that out there.

I was thinking about a PC case size or a little bigger. Something that could take up like 1/2 or 2/3 of the closet, but wouldn't be AS conspicuous.


Well-Known Member
just use cfls, use two rubbermade containers one upside down on top and put some small computer fans on the sides and your good. friend does this and it works fine.
yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I just have to worry about smell. I am guessing that ONA stuff works well. that plus a carbon vent-thing and I should be set.

I am also broke as fuck (the place is by my college) and book costs will be high. How expensive would a set-up like that run me?


Active Member
Depends on how much you're willing to pay. It could cost you very close to nothing as it could up to thousands of dollars.

If you want to, you could even grow in a cardobard box (Obiouvsly that's been well sealed), if you really want to cut costs.
Check on ebay, if you can. It's sometimes an insanely great place to buy some stuff online, cuz with the auction option, you can get things for excessively cheap. (I've seen 400w HPS grow lights at 25$, don't know though if those will be very useful, or if they've got a few kinks that'll render them useless... But hey... 25$!)

But be careful though, since police are often wary of areas around colleges, as far as marijuana goes. You're in the perfect target age for that sort of stuff.


Active Member
Yeah I doubt that your going to keep it away from your roomate man. Thats just what I believe. Also others will also tell you that its a bad idea to do it as well. I would recomend a speaker grow or a pc grow for super stealth. thats just what I would do.
Yeah I doubt that your going to keep it away from your roomate man. Thats just what I believe. Also others will also tell you that its a bad idea to do it as well. I would recomend a speaker grow or a pc grow for super stealth. thats just what I would do.

Yeah, thanks. I was thinking that same thing. I Bet cops watch electric and stuff. I goto a pretty small school, in a pretty small town, so that has it's ups and downs.

I think I will go with a PC grow. I was looking at Lowryder #2, but then I just read that autoflowering plants tend to have lower yields, and are hard to cycle.

This strain looked good to me http://www.nirvana-shop.com/indoor-marijuana-seeds/blue-mystic-feminized.html

I was thinking do like 2-3 plants. The Blue Mystic doesn't smell much, and I thought it would be good for a first PC case solo grow.

How does that sounds?


Active Member
Looks good! Guess I found another strain that looks interesting!

THanks for your being my seed muse! :P

If you want another one that's pretty much similar, look for Low Ryder