wtf is this shit what am i doing wrong!!!!

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
guys what did i do wrong!!! I run in to this problem often when i clone can any one tell me what it is and how to avoide it i know how to clone and i get like an 80% success rate but wtf is this shit!!!

i take cutting from the bottom of my vegg plant's and put them in a cut of water with 1/10th strength bloom nutes for ten miniute's then i lightly score the bottom of it and dip into root hormone and put them in the medium so i think im doing it right
ps i put them in a humidity dome aswell
clone 1.jpg

clone 2.jpg

clone 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
guys what did i do wrong!!! I run in to this problem often when i clone can any one tell me what it is and how to avoide it i know how to clone and i get like an 80% success rate but wtf is this shit!!!

i take cutting from the bottom of my vegg plant's and put them in a cut of water with 1/10th strength bloom nutes for ten miniute's then i lightly score the bottom of it and dip into root hormone and put them in the medium so i think im doing it right
ps i put them in a humidity dome aswell
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its easy fucktard just cover most of the plant in rockwool yo. and your good to go


Active Member
IMO, it's the nutes. Try it with just water. Never heard of using nutes like that before. Do that after it's already rooted.

I'd also like to know what medium that is too. Almost looks like that stuff the florist uses for fake flower arrangements, or sand. Certainly doesn't look like any rockwool I've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
IMO, it's the nutes. Try it with just water. Never heard of using nutes like that before. Do that after it's already rooted.

I'd also like to know what medium that is too. Almost looks like that stuff the florist uses for fake flower arrangements, or sand. Certainly doesn't look like any rockwool I've ever seen.
Oasis cubes.


Active Member
Ahh, cool cowboylogic, thanks. I'd heard of 'em but never seen one. I wonder if it's the rootcubes (which are pre-fertilized, yuk.) or horticubes.

Either way, neither say anything about using bloom nutes or scoring the stem. In my experience with clones, the most important part is to have a node below the level of the medium, since that's where most new roots will form.

edit: I've rooted clones in nothing but a glass of water, and clipping off 1 leaf on the lowest node. No scoring, no rooting compound, no nutes, nothing. This may be a case of just putting in too much effort. Or pre-fertilized starters.

DR growgood

Well-Known Member
i used 1/10th strength bloom nutes in the cup of water not in the medium or humidity dome and yes that is fake florest stuff but it is the water kind u can buy it at walmart and like i said i just scrape the stem a little next to the node and yes there is water in saturated in the meduim plus i spray them too what im thinking is there too wet maybe


Active Member
Babies look great man!

I've used a cutting accelerator on clones before, but that's completely different than real nutes (and I had no noticeable results vs my controls). Those bloom nutes are designed to be taken up by roots, not directly into the plants tissue like that.

Definitely try it without the nutes, and also try to find some rockwool if you can, I'm slightly suspect of that starter medium. My grandma was a florist, and I tried some of that green stuff a few times and it never worked out for me (but it wasn't the water kind though).

Overwatering wouldn't cause the stem to die, I wouldn't think, unless it got moldy or something. I would expect droopiness in the leaves and maybe even stem, but not just dead like that.

No matter what, 80% success rate isn't too bad anyways.

Good luck,