Whats Your Favorite Indica Strain?


New Member
Was your Super Skunk skunky at all? Mine tasted like a glass of milk with a lime in it. It was still the most potent of the three strains I grew.
extremelly smelly and i dried for 2 weeks and the cured for 4 weeks before smoking and it still smells very strong and blows your nuts off same deal with the skunk.
its all down to how you grow as my signature says.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
extremelly smelly and i dried for 2 weeks and the cured for 4 weeks before smoking and it still smells very strong and blows your nuts off same deal with the skunk.
its all down to how you grow as my signature says.


LOL you are SO wrong my friend. Not trying to be a dick but how could you possibly know that without growing other breeders. It's all about genetics bro, not how you grow. And for the record I can grow just fine. Don't make me get into a pic war.


Well-Known Member
LOL you are SO wrong my friend. Not trying to be a dick but how could you possibly know that without growing other breeders. It's all about genetics bro, not how you grow. And for the record I can grow just fine. Don't make me get into a pic war.
word up! :joint:


Well-Known Member
its about both. how you grow and cure and also genetics. You could have great genetics and not know how to allow them to thrive.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
its about both. how you grow and cure and also genetics. You could have great genetics and not know how to allow them to thrive.
Damnit OK here's my "great" Nirvana genetics. I OBVIOUSLY grew these well and they were still crap to smoke. Later I will show other breeders grown under EXACT same conditions that were killer smoke. First, Nirvana BS.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I promise you I would not make this shit up. My first grow was with Nirvana genetics and I continued cloning that crap for almost a year until I finally tried something else. I changed nothing about how I grow, only the genetics and the difference was unbelievable.


Well-Known Member
hjey, where did you get those seeds for the second post of pics you posted. i am buying them. they are dank. how do i get to the seedbank, whats the link?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
hjey, where did you get those seeds for the second post of pics you posted. i am buying them. they are dank. how do i get to the seedbank, whats the link?
LOL, I thought I might change a few minds with those pics. I have more if I can dig em up here. Those are actually Cannacopia strains, Bubba Kush and BC Roadkill like I mentioned before. They're at Hemp Depot. Like I said only money order or cash but I got my beans so obviously they are legit. Those were only $35 for ten beans too for each strain!! http://www.hempdepot.ca/


Well-Known Member
oh my god.. you are making my mouth water man. you could be a damned sales rep. for hemp depot and subcool! and cannaciwhatever. im looking in to these, im sold :weed:


Active Member
need to cover that jug you planted it in with something dark, light is bad for roots, good luck on your grow!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
oh my god.. you are making my mouth water man. you could be a damned sales rep. for hemp depot and subcool! and cannaciwhatever. im looking in to these, im sold :weed:
Haha thanks man. TBH I haven't grown Subcool yet. I just spend a lot of time on the boards discussing strains with other growers and they have a killer rep right now so that's what I'm getting next. They are like $50-100 or more for ten beans of a strain depending on where you buy($75 each at Hemp Depot). But the Cannacopia stuff is something I have grown (hence the pics) and it is unbelievable value IMO. $35 for ten beans is ridiculous for the results I got. I hear Beanho has similar value. That being said I am having some great results with some Green House gear I am running right now. I hear a lot of criticism of them lately but it seems very solid to me so far. If you go that route I would recommend the Indica Mix H feminised pack. Looks like they are all winners in there.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Oh yea I forgot that I wanted to mention one other piece of strain selection advice. Make sure your strain info source is RELIABLE. 99% of the time it is someone who has heard something from someone else or what they grew/smoked was called by the wrong name and not the real strain. Or maybe they just haven't grown enough of a variety to really know what's good yet. You have to take your strain choice very seriously and not waste several months growing lesser quality buds. Don't listen just to me but cruise the strain review forums at several mj sites, keeping in mind that you only want to take into account info that is given by someone who has actualy grown the strain (not a knockoff) and has a bit of diversity in their strain experience (for points of reference, the more the better).