B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !


Well-Known Member
so did u chuck out the 4 week bud? or stash it to dry it?

emmmm its in the bin outside, heheeeeee... i might just go and get it out cuz it might just still be growing :D hahahah just imagin that fucking hell some decent bud in 2 weeks if it survives :D


rubish men all stoned hahaha :shock: like dude... fuck this rubish shit... lets smoke a fucking fati ^^


Well-Known Member
day 33 Flowering :


Kind of sad i had to move em yesterday... looks diffrent now ... oh well.. buds are still coming along nicely !

:) gave em there first taste of power zympte stuff... :joint:

mr west

Well-Known Member
they look like they gonna be fine to me lol, almost like nothing had happend lol. nice one D good save.>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: have some cheese to calm dowm lol


Well-Known Member
they look like they gonna be fine to me lol, almost like nothing had happend lol. nice one D good save.>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: have some cheese to calm dowm lol

yeah.... :)

shit....... :D thnx for the cheese, just smoke some yesterday :)

m8 of mine harvested, just got 240 gramms of some maple leaf :)



Well-Known Member
day 34 Vegi outdoor... brining all indoor, hooking up the second 600w tonight... gona flower them .... first clone, then i will bend all down... SCROG .. ?

yeah.. i think so.. so basicly i'll be doing that.


Check shoe. the plants size have increased majorly ! :)

Cheers :) im off to do some work :)

gona get my scissors ready, scalpel, Clone Gel, Cut 60 Block out x2 = 120 Blocks.. hope i can get 120 clones.

Ph Water down to 5.5 - drop of super vit - 12.5ml of tnt. on 5 litres... gona be doing a 300dl glass so thats = 5/12.5 = 2.5 per litres /10 = 0.25 x 3 = 0.75ml of tnt for 300dl water :)

add some root complex prob 10ml....

k got evrything all i need to do is get evrything ready =)




Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
lookin good man...ur gonna have plenty of great smoke homie...ive gotta try that Maple Leaf i always hear good review on it


Well-Known Member
lookin good man...ur gonna have plenty of great smoke homie...ive gotta try that Maple Leaf i always hear good review on it

yeah its a descent strain ....... its a clone from a clone ... mother... clones :D

haha.. lol, was sorted out by some guys... supposed to be the best pheno they had... so yeah.

never disapointed... check pic 1 for the 240g's just got from my m8 as a present... dunno why he packd them in grips 100 gramms.. but i dont care.. carefull smoking.. 1 bag per day :P :P :P !!! :P


Pic aint that good, cant be bothrd to pour it all out... :D :hump:



Well-Known Member
damn thas waddup...he just gave it to u? must be ya homie..but yeh plants lookin nice as shit to man..

smoke one for me :)


Well-Known Member
damn thas waddup...he just gave it to u? must be ya homie..but yeh plants lookin nice as shit to man..

smoke one for me :)

yeah i was like DAS WADDUP aswell :D

just gave it to me, he's got another 300g's on his side for me.. incase i go empty in the next 4 weeks till harvest... gota respect that.

soo jelous of ya gift lol i wish my mates were as generous lol.

:) Hah.......... no need to be :)

want some :P ? hahaaaaaaa :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
Man your haze look beautiful...doesnt it take longer to flower than the other plants? Srry for askin but what HAze is it? Original Haze?

dunno what kind of haze it is tbh. its a strain created by some guy from holland ... was blessed with a couple of hundred seeds of this strain.

I have only planted 10 myself, kept 1 as mother cloned... flowerd... made more clones.. gave them to ppl that liked the smoke..

I did 9 weeks with the haze...

i have other journals you can check out..... :) :mrgreen::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
day 35 Flowering


Im loving the growth of the buds, i must admit i do feel that the buds size are bigger than before.. and are coming faster.. lovely stuff.. the calaxys are allready swollen... well they seem to be very fat.. its nice :)

just an observation... feel good.

Peace !



Active Member
Hey DWR!

How big are your calyxes? Wondering how big they get. I got my first good bud shot. You have to see the hi-res version and look at the full-sized image. Quite a few tryches now and still 3 weeks to go. I'm really hoping the colas will fill in more to cover all the gaps. No idea how it's gonna go. Just keeping my fingers crossed for a good yield. I've found growing my Lowryder to be a really obsessive exercise - maybe too much at times. Always thinking if I've done anything wrong and looking at it constantly.


Your Haze looks great - whoopee for Hesi. Have you tried anything other than Hesi? If so how did it compare?