The White BX, Tahoe og/sour d, and power skunk


Well-Known Member
here they are. Ordered 4 white bx seeds from you know who. also recieved 4 tahoe og x sour d x something unknown from him also. also 3 power skunk plants (g13) with 3 ak 47 serious seeds that are 3 weeks into veg. i plan on throwing them in in a week.

of the four white bx's 3 were female and 1 was male. im keeping the pollen from him and gonna make some more seeds. 3 of the tahoes were female. and all three power skunks were female.

i vegged all of the white bx's for 2 months, they were about 26 inches tall b4 i threw them into flowering. im using fox farm tiger bloom and hoping that i get 1 and 1/2 ounces off of each white bx (wish me luck)

right now their a week into flowering. Im growing in 5 gallon bags and using a 600 watt yield master hps.
comments, constructive criticism, and everything else welcomed.



Well-Known Member
stinkypinky and wyteberry he got the seeds from Elite Genetics who has since been busted for selling seeds among other offenses. OG Raskal on THC Farmer has got a white x bubba kush but be careful about ordering from them.


Well-Known Member
stinkypinky and wyteberry he got the seeds from Elite Genetics who has since been busted for selling seeds among other offenses. OG Raskal on THC Farmer has got a white x bubba kush but be careful about ordering from them.
OG is starting to offer seeds thru also, at least "the white" is there.


Well-Known Member
And just to clarify I was warning about ordering from THC Farmer, OG Raskal is a reputable breeder so not trying bad mouth him. I'm pretty sure he's moving over to potpimp tho.


Well-Known Member
so they are three weeks into flowering and damn have they gotten big, too big. Two of my plants are now touching the light. one branch snapped because i tried lst' but not all the way and i think its repairing itself.

I kinda expected this but was hoping this wouldnt happen. Whatever the case im going to stick it out.


Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
so no issues there with height? have they been difficult to grow or require any special treatment? it will be nice to get an update on how they yield.


Well-Known Member
so no issues there with height? have they been difficult to grow or require any special treatment? it will be nice to get an update on how they yield.

They havent been difficult to grow. the height has issues but thats my fault cuz i vegged them too long, (2 months) and i only got 7 feet of space. EG said that its a huge yielder but the pics that i've seen of it didnt look huge at all. maybe average at most.

Right now im hoping to get at least an ounce an a half off each plany but im not sure. its been an ordeal tryin to tie this branch down and this branch down to provide sufficient light to middle and bottome branches. I just forgot how big these plants can get.

So for right now i just added a sour diesel and a ak47 that were about 7 inches in veg b4 i threw them into flowering. i hope they can stretch enuff to get some of the light cause the white has huge fan leaves thats blocking most of the light from penetrating to the shorter sour diesels and ak47 (I hope that the ak is as good in potency as what they say)

My next grow round will be ak47 and querkle. Hopefully my pollen stuck to the white and i can get a few seeds. but i fimmed one of the whites and they are strating to get close to the light.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah if anything was difficult to grow, it was the ak. All of them germinated and i placed them into the soil. Out of 10 seeds 3 grew. 1 female 1 male and 1 unknown.

I dug up the rest i planted to find out that there were little white bugs that were under the soil eating the tap roots. i thought they were spider mites and threw them out but they were dead anyway.