<<PICS>> is this a hermi? <<PICS>>

Yeah u can grow till harvest then pick out all the seed and sell it for high grade..Its still going to be good smoke that nobody has...
Make sure you get the seeds tho...Dont want nobody asking why they have seeds in high grade...

thank god. i might be able to sleep tonite. now i messed up and started my crop seven weeks apart. i have 7 plants that i put into flower yesterday with the hermi's will the hermi's pollinate the new females and make them full of seeds? so should i seperate the hermi's from the new plants? and the big buds i have all over the hermi's will grow seeds later or should they grow seeds from the start? i have a bunch of bud sites and they look like they have no seeds at all. but the new growth i found tonight looks like it has seeds in it. i pulled all the growth that looked like it had seeds. thoughts?:confused:
Seperate the hermies from your new batch.You dont want to risk pollinating your new batch.
I dont think you would have alot of seeds in the big buds but on the popcorn buds you will probably have alot..
Just keep plucking away on the male parts..


Well-Known Member
I picked out all the seeds outa mine, alot of hard boring work. Also, Buds will be smaller. 3oz of 2 plants.
I cloned them tho b4 i flowered them and b4 i knew they were hermie's, and they flowered fine. i just didnt stress them.


Well-Known Member
You can get a product that removes Pollen from the air. Also try saturating with waterthe plant. You may b able to wash the Pollen off before it takes hold. Make sure u stay on top of removing all pollen sacks tho. Turn ur fan off whilst doing this.
damn, i just put them all in one room too. well i guess have to break them down and seperate them again. when i started looking at them last night, looks like i turned 5 out of 5 into hermies. all of them were females and they had lots of bud dites on them and now 5 and a half weeks in i have hermies...so even if the buds are quite a bit bigger and were sprouted with no seeds they will develop seeds right before harvest?


Well-Known Member
Yeah u can grow till harvest then pick out all the seed and sell it for high grade..Its still going to be good smoke that nobody has...
Make sure you get the seeds tho...Dont want nobody asking why they have seeds in high grade...
This has got to be the dumbest fucken advice I've ever heard.

When seeds are developing, THC production comes to a screeching halt.

If there are seeds found on a bud.
It's by no means high grade.
If you pick the seeds out, it's gonna make the bud look airy.
This has got to be the dumbest fucken advice I've ever heard.

When seeds are developing, THC production comes to a screeching halt.

If there are seeds found on a bud.
It's by no means high grade.
If you pick the seeds out, it's gonna make the bud look airy.
Ok so now you will be posting remarks about my post in every thread u see me in..Come on kid stop juggling my nuts leave me alone..
You pissed me off.

Your in my bitch book.

Kid... Huh....I'm probably twice your age.
Ok just stop posting your problem with me in other peoples threads.You r acting like a kid so it wouldnt matter if u were twice my age.Stop talking tough over a forum i will never see u toughguy...


Well-Known Member
and now you are in mine.

THC production does NOT stop when a plant gets pollinated.

That pic tells me nothing.
That could very well be what THC was made before seeds started to develope.

The plant stops putting all of it's energy into making THC when seeds are developing.
***Maybe THC doesn't stop producing entirely over the rest of the plant***
But it does in the affected area.

It certainly is not High Grade.

I'm tired of reading post after post with people giving bad advice.

I'm glad I'm in yours.
At least you'll see I'm not full of crap.


Well-Known Member
That pic tells me nothing.
That could very well be what THC was made before seeds started to develope.

The plant stops putting all of it's energy into making THC when seeds are developing.
***Maybe THC doesn't stop producing entirely over the rest of the plant***
But it does in the affected area.

It certainly is not High Grade.

I'm tired of reading post after post with people giving bad advice.

I'm glad I'm in yours.
At least you'll see I'm not full of crap.

you ever grow any high grade seeded weed? i have and it's NO different other than it has a seed or two.

some say resin production increases in order to "protect" the seed.

have you ever grown any seeded high grade? do you really know?


you're spewing nonsense as much as the guy you are personally attacking. regardless if the info is correct or not, you cannot attack people. :peace:


Well-Known Member
That pic tells me nothing.
That could very well be what THC was made before seeds started to develope.

The plant stops putting all of it's energy into making THC when seeds are developing.
***Maybe THC doesn't stop producing entirely over the rest of the plant***
But it does in the affected area.

It certainly is not High Grade.

I'm tired of reading post after post with people giving bad advice.

I'm glad I'm in yours.
At least you'll see I'm not full of crap.

please state your source. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
i fore sure definately think that u should send me some of your seeds so that i can grow them for u and try to grow up and be just like u lol :)


Well-Known Member
please state your source. :neutral:
My source is years of knowledge.
I can sit here and post pics and journals and it still won't make any difference.

I know I'm right.
That's all that matters anyways.
It's not like you or anybody has a hand in my grows.