My 09 Monster Attempt


Well-Known Member
Not a problem guys, I was allowed 8 lbs of finished product but my new Dr dropped that to 4 lbs. I'm allowed 19 mature plants for my reccomendation..:shock:
Hey Hodge!! So is that the amount you are allowed to be in possesion of at any one time? As far as the pounds?

I sure hope it never gets to the point where the government pays people to NOT grow weed, like they do with corn an' shit. Course, that's once it's legal. If it happens, they'll be at your door first Hodge, tellin you to quit growin so damn much!!! One person screwin up the free market price!!

I say, keep growin crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey Hodge!! So is that the amount you are allowed to be in possesion of at any one time? As far as the pounds?

I sure hope it never gets to the point where the government pays people to NOT grow weed, like they do with corn an' shit. Course, that's once it's legal. If it happens, they'll be at your door first Hodge, tellin you to quit growin so damn much!!! One person screwin up the free market price!!

I say, keep growin crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!
In posession, 4 lbs. :mrgreen:

Damn Hodge my heart just sank when I saw this post thinking you'd been ripped. whew, :shock: not a good thought. Those babies are consuming your backyard. hahaha :weed:
You made me go look, lol


Well-Known Member
Hey B, Sorry about your loss.. :cry:
thanks for your thoughts Hodge. she's in better care than I could've provided now so hopefully they can bring her around.
I was thinking tomorrow afternoon though if you're not too busy. maybe 5ish when it's not so hot? let me know what your schedule's lookin like :peace:


Well-Known Member
Were in another mini HEAT wave here so I'll have to wait until later tonight or early tomorrow morning to get some up dated pics. Girls are starting to stack now and have been shedding lots of leaves, so be kind if I post pics and there's yellow leaves showing, too dang hot to work on them..:peace:


Well-Known Member
Were in another mini HEAT wave here so I'll have to wait until later tonight or early tomorrow morning to get some up dated pics. Girls are starting to stack now and have been shedding lots of leaves, so be kind if I post pics and there's yellow leaves showing, too dang hot to work on them..:peace:
Better tell those boys to get off their asses ;)......... knew I should've offered to help...... you could get lost in that garden..... I garuntee it :D


New Member
Were in another mini HEAT wave here so I'll have to wait until later tonight or early tomorrow morning to get some up dated pics. Girls are starting to stack now and have been shedding lots of leaves, so be kind if I post pics and there's yellow leaves showing, too dang hot to work on them..:peace:
i hear u on that hodge im in the valley and its a bitch to do garden work in this god forsaken heat


Well-Known Member
Better tell those boys to get off their asses ;)......... knew I should've offered to help...... you could get lost in that garden..... I garuntee it :D
Yea, still looking for my gardener, last seen He'll turn up soon cause it's almost payday..:blsmoke:

i hear u on that hodge im in the valley and its a bitch to do garden work in this god forsaken heat
Gotta do it early and still it's miserable...:peace:

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Hey Hodge how's it going? i was roofing all day today. It was 92 here and humid as hell. My, my how I love the way you garden grows. Snapped a few new pics myself today.