Free Yourself From The Fake Messiah

if your a conspiracy theorist you know that theres a super secret elite decision making council deep in the basement of the pentagon who has made every decision for this country for the past 20+years. they picked president clinton the playboy, bush the moron and obama the charismatic leader to distract the nation from whatever their doing

id rather not ponder things i will never truly know or be able to effect

the centrel banks fund those will do what they want them to do.
if your a conspiracy theorist you know that theres a super secret elite decision making council deep in the basement of the pentagon who has made every decision for this country for the past 20+years. they picked president clinton the playboy, bush the moron and obama the charismatic leader to distract the nation from whatever their doing

id rather not ponder things i will never truly know or be able to effect

All those facts are in this documentary, they have footage of these elites meeting in private to discuss our world agenda.
i dont agree with alot of conspiracy shit like the moon landings being fake and some other but this is to strong not to beleave. think about it if you had the means to do shit like this wouldnt you?
Tell me how everyone has "facts" and they all oppose each other. Anybody can say, hey, this is a fact. Chill out, maybe lay off the weed.
Tell me how everyone has "facts" and they all oppose each other. Anybody can say, hey, this is a fact. Chill out, maybe lay off the weed.

lol this country is full of morons who will belave whatever they see on the news or read in the papers
Tell me how everyone has "facts" and they all oppose each other. Anybody can say, hey, this is a fact. Chill out, maybe lay off the weed.

Lay of the weed? i haven't smoke shit in 4weeks due to a court case. Damn it amaze me how clueless some people are.:-|
Tell me how everyone has "facts" and they all oppose each other. Anybody can say, hey, this is a fact. Chill out, maybe lay off the weed.
Lay off the weed? :roll: If they smoked some they would not be sooo uptight! Dont listen to rosslyn find some GOOD herb and lightn UP!bongsmilie:eyesmoke: At least I have some fun playin with the cons. You cons having any fun?
Lay of the weed? i haven't smoke shit in 4weeks due to a court case. Damn it amaze me how clueless some people are.:-|

I'm supposed to know you're clean? Lmao. All I'm saying is, you seem overly paranoid about something that may or may not be true. If Obama is everything you say he is, he's gonna have a hell of a time implimenting these new ideas. We can't even all agree on gay marriage and the legalization of marijuana. We are so never going to get anything as gigantic as what you're saying, much less in four to eight years.
Smoking the good herb gives you the ability to self educate yourself, Most of the small minded individuals on here should take advantage and spend more time on that instead of making BS post on rollitup.
Lay off the weed? :roll: If they smoked some they would not be sooo uptight! Dont listen to rosslyn find some GOOD herb and lightn UP!bongsmilie:eyesmoke: At least I have some fun playin with the cons. You cons having any fun?

Weed can increase paranoia.
i dont care what any of you guys think fuck the government in any form!!!! period... they havent done shit for me. what have they done for you? every year we are losing more and more rights and people well some people dont even care. how many times haw our constituion been amended? fuck big brother. and its my honest opinion that anyone who favors government like this is a fucking tool. keep loving them untill the banks take ur house, you cant find a job, and get thrown in jail for breaking one of many laws who instead of enforcing the laws they already have they make new ones every fucking year. fuck theese people
I'm supposed to know you're clean? Lmao. All I'm saying is, you seem overly paranoid about something that may or may not be true. If Obama is everything you say he is, he's gonna have a hell of a time implimenting these new ideas. We can't even all agree on gay marriage and the legalization of marijuana. We are so never going to get anything as gigantic as what you're saying, much less in four to eight years.

I apoligize your not suppose to know that, i didn't meant that by my previous post. Anyways if you have some free time light up and watch this documentary it will open your eyes to a world of truth, that will open your eyes to the false reality we live in.
Smoking the good herb gives you the ability to self educate yourself, Most of the small minded individuals on here should take advantage and spend more time on that instead of making BS post on rollitup.

I enjoy weed as much as the next stoner, but some of us have more important things to do than get stoned all the time. I quit over a month ago to join the military. Oh, I guess that makes me part of the corrupt government machine.
I enjoy weed as much as the next stoner, but some of us have more important things to do than get stoned all the time. I quit over a month ago to join the military. Oh, I guess that makes me part of the corrupt government machine.

why did you join the milatary had trouble finding a decent job huh?
I enjoy weed as much as the next stoner, but some of us have more important things to do than get stoned all the time. I quit over a month ago to join the military. Oh, I guess that makes me part of the corrupt government machine.

Not at all, that's your choice, be safe don't get killed for a senseless war.:peace:
I don't need to see a video, I hear what he says and to anyone that actually thinks can tell he is a liar. "By justice a king gives his country stability, but one who is greedy for bribes tears it down"
ill let the government pay for my school and my expenses, and they dont need to know much of anything about me. ill do what i want whenever i want without their concern. i agree that the government is getting more and more fucked up by the week, and our over active media makes it all the worse. i am sick of the governments constantly making new laws to limit our rights. all i can do about it is become a politician or move else where. im gonna wait a good long time before i do either of those