

Well-Known Member
So i bought 1gram of salvia 5x extract today from the smoke shop.
I come home and take a pinch, and smoke it...nothing.
I go up to my room, and smoke a bit more...and still nothing.

So my question is, how much do i have to smoke?



New Member
5x is the lowest dose u can get... like schwag for weed..
u will probaly need to smoke the hole thing in a minute to feel sumthin..u gotta hold it in too..saliva works faster the longer u hold it in..
so next tiem u go to get more.. get 15x or 20x..or even 35 x..


Well-Known Member
zero it out all the way, salvia isnt harsh so you can hold it in a long time, just try to zero the smoke out, wouldnt hurt to pick up a higher extract next time either. Salvia can be a good time if done right.

It is best smoked out of a bubbler or bong, and it needs a high temp to release the salvinorum so a butane lighter is usefull, or you could just torch the hell out of it as you are drawing on it.


Well-Known Member
hold it in so when you let it out there is little to no actual smoke left, (let your lungs absorb the smoke fully)


Well-Known Member


I think tonight i will smoke it.

Last night i layed down on the couch, opened the window turned off all the lights and put on some good music, and lit up a big bowl of some purp, and it was sooo relaxing.

So would that be a good enviorment for a salvia trip?

How much do i need to smoke to trip?



Well-Known Member
that is the perfect environment for salvia really it doesn't take much of an environment as it doesn't last very long. It is a good time though, let me know how it was.


Well-Known Member

I took a fat ass pinch, and put it in the bowl, i kept the lighter on it the whole time, i took it straight to ash, and then i held it in for about 30 secs.
When i let out all the smoke, there hardly was any left.

Somthing hit me...i dont know what it was, but i didnt like it.
Some weird feeling hit me, i was kinda dizzy, kinda of a light headed feeling....hard to explain...
I broke out in a sweat, and got really hot.
That lasted for about 5mins, and then ecerything went away.

I wanted to experiance SALVIA!
I spent $20 on a gram of this shit...

So i dont know, i think imma save it, maybe try it another time.
Is it a good idea to smoke salvia while out camping?



Well-Known Member
So i dont know, i think imma save it, maybe try it another time.
Is it a good idea to smoke salvia while out camping?

Camping = NO
Anywhere = NO

I tried it once at a friends house and Ill never try it again. I felt weird just like you did and then it went away.... screw that man


Well-Known Member
Was it a fairly hot day? heightened senses by the sounds of it, I had a friend who took it and she said it felt like she was being pricked with needles everywhere, she also hated it, I love the feeling it gives me, different strokes for different folks.

But it seems as though you experienced salvia in its whole, it hits you fast, and just as fast as it hits it goes.


Well-Known Member
Was it a fairly hot day? heightened senses by the sounds of it, I had a friend who took it and she said it felt like she was being pricked with needles everywhere, she also hated it, I love the feeling it gives me, different strokes for different folks.

But it seems as though you experienced salvia in its whole, it hits you fast, and just as fast as it hits it goes.
Ehh, it was kinda warm.

Isnt there visuals?...or somthing..
I wanted to trip.



Well-Known Member
you wont see 3d images, you will however see light trails, you will notice detail in things, you may need a stronger extract for the more intense trip if that is the kind of thing you are looking for.

if my salvia plant starts taking off I will make some really high extract and send it your way, I found a home with this website, you guys are great.


Well-Known Member
Yeahh, thanks man.

I think imma save it for one day...i dont know when...but some day.
Ill probably buy a lil bit more, and save it with this stuff.

Im thinking, one night out in the woods, around the campfire, while everyone is smoking, ill pull this shit out, and we can all share some.....AHH, sounds nice.



Well-Known Member
Yeah for sure that sounds like a good time.

The extract that I will most likely be making is a little higher than you can buy at head shops and the such it should be a good trip and I loveing sharing so if you enjoy your next trip lmk.


Active Member
my first salvia experience i went all out and got 20x extract.. first bowl smoked it just like pot and it didnt do a thing. then i found out the secrets. you really SHOULD use a butane torch lighter and it works best to take in the whole bowl in as few hits as possible and with the weaker stuff as fast as possible. for me i smoked the 20x out of my 2 foot bong using a butane torch lighter and a lightly packed bowl that would last 1 or 2 hits would do the trick every time. trip only last 1-10 minutes but when taking in multiple hits of the 15x or stronger it can be intense. the first time i used the butane torch and the bong i was in my room all alone and within seconds of taking the hit i believed(seen and heard) my girlfriend morph threw my wall and disappear then when i came out of the trip i was up against the wall trying to fall threw it completely out of reality. coming back to i was amazed and shocked and vowed never to try it alone again.