WATS really WRONG need EXPERT advise


Well-Known Member
okay so here we go one more TIME?????

bout two weeks ago transplanted my plants from soil to hydroponic and i did every thing by the booh rinsed off wen great very lil shock bout the last week my plants have started to show some kind of curling down as well as burnned tips is what they look llike know that its not nute burn trust me i know what that looks like failed and learned many time although this is my first hydroponic set up ph is 5.5 to 6.5 wat you think it could be


Well-Known Member
okay so here we go one more TIME?????

bout two weeks ago transplanted my plants from soil to hydroponic and i did every thing by the booh rinsed off wen great very lil shock bout the last week my plants have started to show some kind of curling down as well as burnned tips is what they look llike know that its not nute burn trust me i know what that looks like failed and learned many time although this is my first hydroponic set up ph is 5.5 to 6.5 wat you think it could be
Got any pics? That would help.:roll:


Well-Known Member
here are some pics hope some one can finally put my troublesome questions to rest tired of seekin no answers any response will help here you guys go thanks for the feed back


Well-Known Member
Well, while your plants were in the soil did you feed them any ferts? I'm just asking because it looks like nute burn to me. Maybe the plants aren't used to the new ferts in the garden, try cutting back on them to 1/2 strength and see if that helps. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
well i really was using ferts and to be quite honest it was eating it up they were really hungry for nitro........so when i switched used a lil less just to prevent that exact problem what else you think that it could be


Well-Known Member
I am kinda leaning toward a potassium def. What kind of water are you using? How much PH UP do you have to use?


Well-Known Member
are you guys serious need some detailed help yea i transplanted from soil to h20 i let you guys know that what can i do is it going to subside and what is it for real any true growers rthat can diagnose??????? please?????


Well-Known Member
Like I told you in the other thread you started about the same subject. It is a it is a toss up between nute burn and transplant shock. ONLY TIME WILL TELL Flush it out with plain phed water and back off of the nutes for a while and RELAX!!! Dont get all shity with people because you dont get the magical answer you are looking for!


Well-Known Member
get da fhell outta here NOOB are you serious why drop some thing like that instead of try ing to help a nigga out instead of belittling other people thanxs for you input dirtfree thanks real talk if any one can help me i would appreciate it not sure if it van be nute burn only on 1/2 streanght right now i do know some of my growing things not a true noob ?????


Well-Known Member
Who are you calling a noob? Me or the guy below me that has 13 post less than you. post counts have nothing to do with experience.


well, i ment 'noob' as an all encompasing term with reguards to mistakes made by those who are just starting out ie. watering , translanting, nutes etc. anywho, you aer obviously in denial, flush and wait a few days. chillax my man