Free Yourself From The Fake Messiah

youve gotta be the dumbest person i know....
i bet if jesus was president youd figure away to make him look evil

geez man not everyone in the government is corrupt ....
go listen to some imortal technique or something kid...
its not cool to just be against anything that is government...
i never thought id tell someone this .. but you smoke entirely to much weed.

Watch the video, be awaken with the truth and you won't be posting BS like that again, I guarantee it. If you choose not watch the video feel free to leave the topic.:-|
obvoiusly we have a differences of opinion here.... i respect that
i mean i see you feel like you know the truth about the world... and maybe youre right ..fat chance..
and im happy you have your own ideas or whoever made the video ideoligies...
but the truth is no movie could ever change my life son....
i saw independence day with will smith ... but i dont believe that alien are watching
Watch the video, be awaken with the truth and you won't be posting BS like that again, I guarantee it. If you choose not watch the video feel free to leave the topic.:-|

If Jesus was President, I'd fear for our freedoms, the only thing that ranks equally in its tyranny with government is organized religion. Not that it is a bad thing, but that it operates under the same principles of giving and not getting.

:: shrugs :: The underlying concepts, if they were not abandoned by the church, however I see no problem with. Be a man, behave properly in a way conducive to the functioning of society. I see no problem with that. I do have a problem with being told to donate and donate and donate some more and then not seeing much from my donations despite the Church saying that it is for humanitarian goals.

The government says the same BS, and I don't trust the government any more than I trust religion.

But this has nothing to do with Jesus. Jesus backed with the apparatus of the state, or rather the apparatus of the State backed by Jesus... there is no telling what kind of disasterous policies bureaucrats would pursue while lying directly to his face about what they are doing.
truth man i cant win with you ... my point is it doesnt matter who becomes prez.... you pick someone...

people like eskimo boy will watch some movie... and regardless of how honest or great that person is ... they will find a way to make him or her corrupt....
truth man i cant win with you ... my point is it doesnt matter who becomes prez.... you pick someone...

people like eskimo boy will watch some movie... and regardless of how honest or great that person is ... they will find a way to make him or her corrupt....

Power corrupts, but Obama was already corrupt to begin with. Chitown politics will do that to a person.

Though seeing as how Obama was a bastard, maybe that makes him more liable to be corrupted by power than any other type of person. Probably stuck wearing the chip of his illegitimate birth on his shoulder...
Both of my kids are "bastards".It's not the 1950's anymore, dude.:roll:
Power corrupts, but Obama was already corrupt to begin with. Chitown politics will do that to a person.

Though seeing as how Obama was a bastard, maybe that makes him more liable to be corrupted by power than any other type of person. Probably stuck wearing the chip of his illegitimate birth on his shoulder...
Power corrupts, but Obama was already corrupt to begin with. Chitown politics will do that to a person.

Though seeing as how Obama was a bastard, maybe that makes him more liable to be corrupted by power than any other type of person. Probably stuck wearing the chip of his illegitimate birth on his shoulder...

WTF!!!!! You're letting us in a bit too much on your hidden agenda man. I think we all understand the source of your hatred for Obama a bit more now.

Not everyone of, how did you put it, 'illegitimate' or 'bastard' birth status necessarily carries a chip on their shoulder. Come on...
He posted this only after he had to stop smoking herb so how could herb have any thing to do with how he thinks? I dont think he's right but I DO think he is REAL.

Thanks for pointing that out, in my opinion you can never smoke too much herb.
I watched "The Obama deception" and it is a joke.

You basically have a guy running around filming people that he probly overheard where going to dunkin donuts and acts like they are tailing him, all the while breathing heavy and pretending to be scared in an apartment saying that 'they are going to get me'.

Then cutting and pasting with creepy music things that have happened in the 80's 90' and 00's and making it seem like Obama was president when it happened.

They use conspiracy websites as sources, and then ttalk about Obama while showing a webpage with the date of '06.

It is nothing but a student film project that is aimed at theatrics, and not a documentary that is dealing with facts.

There is a divinci code conspiracy theory video that does the excat same thing, and makes it look like the vatican is trying to kill them. Very silly stuff if taken as the truth. And falls apart instantly when you start to fact check it.
I watched "The Obama deception" and it is a joke.

You basically have a guy running around filming people that he probly overheard where going to dunkin donuts and acts like they are tailing him, all the while breathing heavy and pretending to be scared in an apartment saying that 'they are going to get me'.

Then cutting and pasting with creepy music things that have happened in the 80's 90' and 00's and making it seem like Obama was president when it happened.

They use conspiracy websites as sources, and then ttalk about Obama while showing a webpage with the date of '06.

It is nothing but a student film project that is aimed at theatrics, and not a documentary that is dealing with facts.

There is a divinci code conspiracy theory video that does the excat same thing, and makes it look like the vatican is trying to kill them. Very silly stuff if taken as the truth. And falls apart instantly when you start to fact check it.

It seems like you came to the conclusion that it's label a conspiracy so it must be a lie. Not all conspiracy are lies, this one is filled with facts that's why i choose to share it.

- The truth will be seen as crazy by the masses until they realize what is really going on.
The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. and only by exposing the con can we help to save freedom in America. The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda, and how his initial appointments and actions prove he serves the corporate oligarchs, not the American people. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

Watch the full lenght video here.

*straps on tinfoil hat*