Since THC isnt water soluble or whatever, Id assume you are getting at least 98% of the THC, And filtering out the things you normally would inhale, Like burning paper fumes all up in your lungs.
I think the safest way to smoke is a vaporizor. I like the Kia's.
The Bongs are awesome because they do cool the smoke
and I think it hits you harder if you are really packin and rippin.
Although I also noticed, Switching smoke techniques can keep it
fresh, Smoke a pipe for a while, then hit a fresh bong rip...
It just feels better than it did before.
And another thing I want to say about bongs.... I re-fill my bong with
water after EVERY smoke "session". I dont let it sit there and start
looking like the water in a rainbow vaccuum cleaner after you
did the whole house. And because of that I can immeadiatly
notice if the water in somebody elses bong is fresh or not...If
its been smoked out of more than twice I can barely stomach the taste
because usually that means its been sitting for a few hours getting warm
and nasty. And even putting your bong in the fridge with dirty ass water
is just stupid and pointless. If you arent using fresh bong water might
as well just smoke through your terd filtered toilet water its about the same thing.
Kinda ruins it for me. I like to make every smoke experience I have
with a bong.... A good one all around. Fresh bong water is KEY.