Stfu about all that health care nonsense you idiot. It hasn't been working and all other coutries have been doing great with their healthcare changes and you guys are just idiots who don't like change. I wish Obama would eliminate All of you who don't want your life expectency to be longer. Just go move to Peru or something if you don't want a better system. No one cares about you guys in the long run.
For your information, I've been navigative the socialist healthcare system for a while now through Medicare.
If you have experience with it, you would understand why elderly people, and people with debilitating disorders don't want it to go through.
Imagine ALL the red tape that is already in place, PLUS the government adding more twists, turns, knots, transferred calls that get you no where ALL THE TIME, EVERY TIME! It is a FULL TIME JOB in itself!
Not to mention, the more the U.S. becomes socialized, the more our labor force, work force, inventors, innovators, etc. . . anyone that gets paid for giving a little bit more than what McDonalds or Walmart insists they give, will disappear.
Laziness is bred out of giving and Hard Work is bred out of want. Do you want a loaf of bread for the week? Then work for it, or give me money (monetary account of labor/work) to exchange for it.
Remember, the government that can GIVE you EVERYTHING can also TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY. .. and very quickly too!
Do you want to end up one day just not having any way to get anybody who can help to stop that massive hemorrage you've got coming out of your arm?
Put yourself in others shoes! All the other countries are saying there's nothing wrong with THEIR health care because they have OUR health care to fall back on! What happens when WE ALL have to wait 48 hours to be admitted for chest pains or we need to wait 10 months to get treated for that cancer that is going to kill us in 2 months?
One of the reasons the U.S. has a great and expedient health care system is because every other country can depend on coming here for treatment that is only going to cost a bunch, but not their life.