Please help +REP

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
You always ph your water/feed correctly, right?

If its not ph fluctuation (without pics) it sounds like these guys are correct, and it also sounds like you should be fine now that they got moved up.

If not, let us know, we will all figured this shit out! :-)

Ok thanks for trying to help everyone here are some pics I hope this helps, The spots are on the top side of the fan leaves only, not the underside of the fan leaves.



Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for trying to help everyone here are some pics I hope this helps, The spots are on the top side of the fan leaves only, not the underside of the fan leaves.
Are you using tap water?

You never answered my question about whether or not you are ph'ing your WATER/FEED?

I know you said your soil ph is 6.6, but what about the water?

What is your feeding schedule, and what nutes?

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Are you using tap water?

You never answered my question about whether or not you are ph'ing your WATER/FEED?

I know you said your soil ph is 6.6, but what about the water?

What is your feeding schedule, and what nutes?
My Run Off is 6.6 I use tape water that has sat out for 24-72 hours I use FF big bloom and Tiger bloom at 1/2 strength every 3rd feeding And I have to PH my water to 7.5 in order to make my Run Off come out to 6.6 I water about every 3 days or when my bucket feels lite. Thanks


New Member

looks similar to me.


pH Fluctuation

Both of these leaves in figure 3 and figure 4 are from the same plant. It could be over fertilization, but more likely it is due to the pH being off. Too high or too low a pH can lock up nutrients in the form of undisolvable salts and compounds, some of which are actually toxic to the plants. What then happens is the grower then tries to supplement the plants diet by adding more fertilizers, throwing off the pH even more and locking up even more nutrients. This type of problem is seen more often in soil mixes, where inconsistent mixing of the medium's components leads to "hot" spots.

Ozone damage

Ozone damage typically found near the generator. Although a rare problem, symptoms generally appear as a Mg deficiency, but the symptoms are localized to immediately around the generator.

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
I just dont understand how it could be ph my ph has been a constant 6.6 from the start, and I dont have or use ozone, Thanks though, Are their any other things that could be causing this?

Smoked Out

Active Member
maybe he's using nutes? just a thought ..if youre using nutrients then stop imediately if the plant is too young, a buddy of mine did the same things and the plant ended up being black the next day :(


New Member
the problen is straring you in the face.
ph fluctuation.

if you cant see that then i am wasting my time here.


Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
the problen is straring you in the face.
ph fluctuation.

if you cant see that then i am wasting my time here.

I understand what you are saying but my ph has never fluctuated it has been a constant 6.5 that is what I am trying to say I check my run off everytime I water, I am not trying to upset you and I apericate the help, I am sorry if I am frustrating you.


Well-Known Member
I use camag the other waterings and have to bring my ph up to 7.5 in order to haave a runoff ove 6.5
Why are you using calmeg with FF nutes and tap water???

There is plenty for your plants in that combination. Excess Calcium and or Magnesium might very well be locking out nutes...

You can't just ph the run off.

You need to ph the SOLUTION BEFORE you feed it to/water your plants.

Whatever you dump in that container, the ph needs to be right BEFORE it comes out the bottom.

Make these two changes and I would be willing to wager your problem will be solved.


New Member
I use camag the other waterings and have to bring my ph up to 7.5 in order to haave a runoff ove 6.5

the ph run off will always be lower than the ph of the soil and there is no need to test the run off.
you want to test the soil ph with a probe 12hrs after watering or feeding(when the soil is moist).
if you cant see the problem thats in front of your eyes then i dont think i can help you any further as its quite easy to see whats going on but people are just stirring the mix and playing guessing games confusing you.
i have posted the problem and believe what you will.
i know i am right so its up to you now to believe the truth or deny the facts.



Well-Known Member
So add some water, then add your nutes, then add the rest of the water.

If I am making a gallon, I dump 6 cups of water in, add my nutes, and then add the rest of the gallon, stir, and test the ph.

THEN I adjust the ph to 6.3-6.5. THEN I water. I don't really care what the run off is until I am flushing. As long as your soil wasn't too rich with nutes, and as long as you alternate feeding schedules, you are fine.

When flushing, you ph the run off to make sure you have gotten everything out.

You can add 1 tablespoon of lime per gallon of soil as a ph buffer, if you are worried the soil ph is going to creep up. I do and never have issues.


Well-Known Member
Lol who is stirring things up confusing people? I am tellin him the same thing...

Have some patience Luda, jeez.


Well-Known Member
the ph run off will always be lower than the ph of the soil and there is no need to test the run off.
you want to test the soil ph with a probe 12hrs after watering or feeding(when the soil is moist).
if you cant see the problem thats in front of your eyes then i dont think i can help you any further as its quite easy to see whats going on but people are just stirring the mix and playing guessing games confusing you.
i have posted the problem and believe what you will.
i know i am right so its up to you now to believe the truth or deny the facts.


Luda, you make me fucking laugh:blsmoke:

Dude, it's a PH problem, check your water that you are using.. trust me, I just got the whole PH thing under control and Luda is right on it....

I did look at the comparison pics you listed .. and it looks more like ozone damage from the picture... or am I stoned??? Well, I am stoned, but like should I stop talking to people for a while, or am I still making some sence?

Just check your PH of your tap water and post it brother, either Luda can have another feather in his hat, or you can tell him to go suck a scone or something because you proved it wrong.. but it's not.


New Member
I understand what you are saying but my ph has never fluctuated it has been a constant 6.5 that is what I am trying to say I check my run off everytime I water, I am not trying to upset you and I apericate the help, I am sorry if I am frustrating you.
the ph run off should never be as high as 6.5 as that indicates that your soil is well over neutrall (ph 7.0. to alkaline) and a ph of over 7.0 aint good for weed plants.(the soils ph when tested with a probe after watering/feeding and leaving it to soak in should be between 6.3-6.8)
you aint upsetting me i am just trying to make you see the facts.



New Member
Luda, you make me fucking laugh:blsmoke:

Dude, it's a PH problem, check your water that you are using.. trust me, I just got the whole PH thing under control and Luda is right on it....

I did look at the comparison pics you listed .. and it looks more like ozone damage from the picture... or am I stoned??? Well, I am stoned, but like should I stop talking to people for a while, or am I still making some sence?

Just check your PH of your tap water and post it brother, either Luda can have another feather in his hat, or you can tell him to go suck a scone or something because you proved it wrong.. but it's not.

thank fuck cowell you are spot on mate.



Well-Known Member
the ph run off should never be as high as 6.5 as that indicates that your soil is well over neutrall (ph 7.0. to alkaline) and a ph of over 7.0 aint good for weed plants.(the soils ph when tested with a probe after watering/feeding and leaving it to soak in should be between 6.3-6.8)
you aint upsetting me i am just trying to make you see the facts.

Are you talking about using one of those soil pH test meters? BTW hey Luda.