What to do, leaf burn


Hey, so I went a way for a few days and as my friend watered my plants he didnt keep up with light height and one plant is quite burn at the top. should i prune it and split the cola and take a minor hit from quality and production on this one plant or should i try to let them grow
This will be my first time growing. I am very limited to space so I will be purchasing lowryder#1. I have a dresser wich I am thinking about growing in. The bottom draw I will hollow out the bottom and part of the back. I will wrap the bottom in foil place two fans in the back one blowing in the other out. I will place a 70 wtt fluorescent light on topp. I will have a place for co2 candles. I will place 5-10 plants in there. the bottom draw is 16in high about 20in wide and about 35inc long will it work


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'll give her a nice trim. It is probably better off growing new fresh and waiting for it to heal.

I had a plant dies on me once because I didn't remove bulb burn after vacation. Definitely a good idea. It will grow back a LOT quicker than you think.