Ha! The dems got the magic 60


New Member
it never ceases to amaze me that because i consider the rights and responsibilities of the individual to be of the utmost importance i am labeled right wing or worse, while those who support a regime that leads inevitably to totalitarianism and the destruction of the individual are considered liberals or progressives. seems sort of backward to me, but i'm just an old anarchist with little care for such libels.
One must be a little wealthy to want anarchism. I mean, seems like you could afford anything and wouldn't have to be reliant on others. Most people, the rest of us, are not wealthy and therefore have to communicate with others to survive. There is safety in numbers, so for your sake, I hope you have lots of anarchist friends. I'm thinking, our neighborhood, well maybe with a couple of exceptions, would band together in dire straights, as for those other two, I guess we'd have to issue shoot on sight orders,~LOL~.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul and Ross Perot in 2012, lol.
I'd vote for Perot/Nader. I tend to like energetic old politicians still fightin the good fight.

There's been a lot of talk about 3rd parties recently and it pleases me. But why only 3? I'd like to see at least 5 viable parties.


Well-Known Member
I'd vote for Perot/Nader. I tend to like energetic old politicians still fightin the good fight.

There's been a lot of talk about 3rd parties recently and it pleases me. But why only 3? I'd like to see at least 5 viable parties.
Need more HOR seats, err, let me try to rephrase that. We need more seats in the House of Representatives so that each district would have a better chance of having individuals unaffiliated with either major party elected. With 10,034 seats the room for additional parties would be made greater.

Right now, I believe that most people are voting not so much on the basis that they agree 100% with whatever the person they support says, but more along the lines that they agree more with the one they vote for on certain issues and disagree with the one that they don't vote for on those same issues.

Should the US adopt the kind of chaotic parliamentary system of nations like Italy? Not at all, but it would be nice to see the pendulum to stop swinging in its chaotic path amongst parties who primary goal is to continue stripping individuals of their rights while pretending to supporting those rights. Pro-Big Government - Pro Big Government, and the winner is Pro-Big Government. What a "choice."


Active Member
Strange, I was going to ask you the same thing, especially considering the fact that the initial results were in Coleman's favor.

Then ballots starting magically appearing out of thin air that slowly increased his lead. What was more ironic is that often the votes for Franken were completely out of whack with the votes that other Democrats received in the same areas for different positions.
well thats a unique way of looking at it, since the only one challenging the state and tying up the senate seat was coleman, who actively fought against the recount, which by the way was franken's legal right to hold out for. i do like how you did enough mental gymnastics to make franken out to be the one defying the electoral college and interfering with the democratic process.


Well-Known Member
well thats a unique way of looking at it, since the only one challenging the state and tying up the senate seat was coleman, who actively fought against the recount, which by the way was franken's legal right to hold out for. i do like how you did enough mental gymnastics to make franken out to be the one defying the electoral college and interfering with the democratic process.
Did you actually keep track of how many freaking recounts took place in that state because franken kept losing?

Though, I suppose it doesn't matter either way, a pig is still a pig, and politicians are still politicians and can't be trusted to act intelligently once they achieve power.


Well-Known Member
Right now, I believe that most people are voting not so much on the basis that they agree 100% with whatever the person they support says, but more along the lines that they agree more with the one they vote for on certain issues and disagree with the one that they don't vote for on those same issues.
I agree completely. That is why I vote for the dems right now. I see human rights as the most important thing the government needs to watch after. Fiscally they both are the same.


New Member
I agree completely. That is why I vote for the dems right now. I see human rights as the most important thing the government needs to watch after. Fiscally they both are the same.
Would economic liberty be included in that list of human rights?